The Smell of Fish

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Chapter 8-

I helped pull Kili out of his barrel, although he strongly resisted. “I am fine Cyndaris.” But I pulled him up anyways.

I turned around to see all the dwarves facing me. “What?” I looked at each of their faces, until my gaze finally fell upon Thorin,”I believe you have more explaining to do, My Lady.

I sighed and looked down at the green luscious grass. “I...have not been called that name in many years.”

“I have a feeling you do not wish to be called this.” Bilbo chimed in.

“No...I dont. I left Lothlorien when I was very young. I hated the dresses and the courtesy and having to look down upon all others who were not equal to my status. I had went to Rivendell for a time, but I knew they would come after me soon. So I made it seem as though I had disappeared. There had been ‘sighting’ of me in Bree, Gondor, and even Fangorn Forest. But I had went to Mirkwood, Greenwood at the time. King Ophor kept my secret and set me as a Royal Guard, and I was even Captain at a time. I thought I was safe, I lost ones I loved during the Battle of The Great Serpents. My sister. Thranduil became King, he knew my secret. I knew he would be angered when I took my leave, but I never expected to come back. But he used my title against me, as you just witnessed. And of course My Mother already knew where I was, she always had. She knows things about me I do not.” I looked around at the faces of the dwarves, who were all processing what I just exposed.

“She told me...My loyalty was with the wrong people.” I gestured around. “I am sure I will cause you many problems if I stay. I will take my leave.” I pulled up my hoodie over my face.

“That...will not be necessary,” Thorin spoke up,”After all, you might be useful to us.” He said with a playful grin. I smiled back,”Dont make me have to teach you another lesson on what the dirt tastes like My Lord.” All the other dwarves grumbled laughter after recalling the memory.

The dwarves were trying to get water out of their boots, fix themselves and come up with a plan. I stood upon one of the tall rocks, towering over them and looking around to make sure no other elves were in sight. My ears pricked up when I heard the faintest crack behind me, none of the dwarves seemed to move.

I silently moved my hand to my bow, but felt a sharp prick that went through my glove and drew blood from my palm. With one swift movement I used my other hand to pull out my dagger and turn around to have an arrow an inch from my face, and a man wielding the bow it hung from.

“What are you doing here?” The man asked, automatically all the dwarves turned toward us.

Before any of the dwarves could hurt him in any way, Balin spoke up. “Excuse me….you are from Lake-Town. If I’m not mistaken.” The man nodded, lowering his bow, I moved back, putting my dagger back.

Balin moved up and started talking to the Man, they started to move up the strip of land to a Boat with empty barrels. I wonder where this is gonna go.

~~~~~~~~~You know what happens~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“I can stand beside you, since there aren't enough barrels.” I told the man, whose name was Bard. “Wont they suspect something? I mean, your obviously not a dwarf, what are you?” He asked, trying to look under my hood. I pulled it off to show my chestnut locks that had dried, and my elven features. Bard quickly nodded. “I can say I’m a supervisor from Mirkwood to help with the load of…”

“Fish. I’m going to put fish in them to cover the dwarves.” He finished. I nodded, he pulled out a silver coin and started to move the boat. I stood next to him, the town coming into view.

Bard stopped to talk to a couple of men, who sold him the fish, as well as pile it upon the dwarves. I giggled at the complaints that came.

“And who do you have with you today, Bard?” An older man asked as they pulled up to a dock. Bard pulled out a parchment and walked towards him, I stayed near the wheel, my eyes grazing over the barrels to see if the dwarves were noticeable.

“She is a helper, from Mirkwood.” Bard said turning slightly to glance at me.

“She does not look like any of the elves I have seen pass through here.”

“They are all different.” Bard insisted, the man nodded and stamped the parchment, turning to hand it back to Bard, when suddenly a short man all in black ripped it out of his hand. “Well what do we have here… this is for empty barrels.” He slowly walked up to one. “These are not empty.” He had a strange accent I had never heard before. “Dump them.” He commanded to two of what I guess were guards. How do they expect to defend with them?

They grabbed one closest to the water and started to poor. I gasped lightly, though no one seemed to notice, as an eye was visible. “Will it be your problem when the people starve, and start to riot?” Bard stepped up to The man clad in black.

He grumbled and raised a hand. “Stop!”

The guards leveled the barrel upright again and stepped back onto the dock. “You wont always be here to save them Bard!” The man’s thick accent called out as he walked back from where he came.

“Sorry for Alfred, hes not the pleasantest of our folk.” Bard apologized as the gates opened for him and he swung the boat into the middle of the canal. “Yes, I could tell.” I pulled my hood back over my face.

He came to a back canal and stopped. I helped him knock the barrels over and the dwarves came tumbling out. The 13 dwarves grumbled and groaned as they stood upright. “You all reek of fish.” I held my nose. “Very funny.”

I saw Bard walk over with the silver coin to a stunned witness of the scene. “You didn’t see anything.”

I grinned as I held out my hand for Dwalin, who pushed me away. “If you ever speak of this to anyone, Ill getcha.” He climbed from the toilet of the wooden lakehome. “I make no promise Master Dwarf.”

Once all the dwarves were in the house, I walked in what I took as the Kitchen to see 2 girls moving around. “Oh, youre too tall to be any dwarf.” The taller, older one said when she noticed me. “Or a human.” She added when she got closer and saw i was about a foot taller than her. “Thats because im not.” I pulled my hoodie down. She gasped,”An elf! Are you from Mirkwood?”

“Once yes.” I replied. She nodded and went back to her work.

I wasnt 100% lying when I said this, I did come from Mirkwood, half at least. And the other half Lothlorien. Galadriel would tell me I was still her daughter, but when I ran away, It was more as if she ‘Gave’ me away. I was a Bastard. I was not wanted.

I came before Galadriel was married to Celebran. No one was told about me because Galadriel ‘sent’ me to Mirkwood and told me it was for the better.

I thought I was ok because Celebrain came after me, so she would be the heir. But then she got married to Elrond, which meant she couldn't inherit Lothlorien anymore. Galadriel didn’t have anymore children.

Which left me. She sent for me.

They needed an heir. So they were to use me.

But the thing was I didn’t want to.

So I’m not going too.


Sorry for the choppy-ness of this chapter. I really didnt want to keep having to use The Hobbit story because most of you probably know what was going to happen anyways.

But time to explain the twist. Yes Cyn 'ran away' but she was also sent away to prevent problems for The Queen of Lothlorien. So... Now they need an heir and are tracking her down. She doesnt want to be the Queen or marry someone she doesnt love. Hint: This is where the whole Thranduil thing comes in. 
Yes I still have to finish going through the rest of the story. JUST WAIT! I shall be soon...hehe
Oh one more thing: Incase you didnt know, I used the term Bastard as in 'Parents weren't married or 'together' when they had you'
Peace out Superstars ~~~~Shadexx 

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