Chapter Seven: Not Over Him

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"You were out long. I already finished my shift at the hospital,"

Mimosa's voice is the first thing to ring through his ears when he enters his apartment. "I was out. Did you call?" he questions, not recalling receiving any phone calls. He had been out with Noelle, just talking, until it was practically dark.

"I did but, you left your phone here," Mimosa says, showing him his phone.

"Oh. My bad," he apologizes.

Mimosa doesn't say anything other than a "Hm," before turning away. "Well..." she begins, seconds after the silence. "I checked your phone," she says. Asta mentally sighs, somehow knowing that this was where this was going. "I have nothing to hide-" "I know, it's just..." she pauses, seeming frustrated and uncertain. "You texted Noelle and met up with her this afternoon right?" "I did," he confirms. "We just walked around the beach!" he adds, knowing she was questioning where he went.

"You still doubt me, even while we're engaged?" he queries.

"I don't doubt you! It's just- It's just because it's Noelle! You two had a thing going on for almost 8 years!" she argues back. "Had, Mimosa. We don't have anything like that anymore. All I'm trying to be is a friend to her since she needs that," Asta says, honesty ringing through him. He was worried for Noelle, and regardless of their past and what she did to him, he couldn't abandon her.

Mimosa sighs. "I know...I was just...concerned," she says, pecking his lips. "You're the only girl I'm interested in," Asta expresses, kissing her back.

. . . . .

Saturday had come soon, which lead to a breakdown.

Breakdowns were a regular thing for Noelle.

So regular that it was normal for her. Out of all seven days of the week, she was sure to have one six out of seven, if not all seven days. Her anxiety always seemed to be high, and whenever danger- no, not even danger, whenever simple interactions took place with new people, or people she hasn't seen in a while, or people just in general, a panic attack was always on the rise.

Like today, where she would be meeting with many people she hasn't seen in the longest. Two years to be exact. She was basically self-employed with the only thing being her new story for her to work on, so once she was done with that for the day, it eventually made her think about her plans for later. What she would wear, how she would do her hair, what she would say, what she would say the least she overthought a lot of things.

She roamed her closet, looking through the various amount of clothes before deciding on a yellow shirt with a jean skirt. She looks at herself through the mirror before sitting down in her vanity, examing her hair. When she showered this morning, she finally got it out of the messy bun it's been in for the past three days. There were only two options she had of wearing her hair tonight: either all out or in a ponytail. She had passed the stage in her where she'd constantly wear two ponytails. She was a grown-up or at least tried to act like one, there were some things she has outgrown.

She finally decides on merging the two, parting her hair and putting half up into a ponytail, and letting the other half cascade down her back. She finishes her hair by putting a yellow matching scrunchie around her ponytail. She doesn't bother for makeup, never has, and instead puts on some lip balm before lip gloss. She looks herself over in her longer mirror, contemplating on changing her whole look before her ringtone sounds off. She jumps, shocked a bit before answering the phone.

"Hey, are you ready? I'm outside," it's Asta's voice that rings from the other end. Noelle glances at herself once more in the mirror. "U-uhm...yeah," she says. "I'll be down quick!" she adds, hanging up swiftly. Deciding that she didn't have time to change, Noelle grabs her pair of shoes, which happened to be some yellow converse, places them on before grabbing her purse and phone.

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