Chapter Twenty: The Princess & Her Curse

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TW: rape, miscarriage, suicide, depression

2 Years Earlier

It's been a whole year since Noelle's left the military.

At times, she did miss it. Not the job, but defiantly the people. And defiantly seeing Asta as much as she could. At the very most he got one to two-month breaks before being deployed again, and his deployments could last three to six months. Noelle still wasn't finished with her book. She was nowhere near complete, not even halfway. She only had two chapters done, with barely any inspiration at that. She didn't know how to keep her story going...what was she supposed to make happen next? She's been stuck on that for a while and honestly, would she ever get unstuck and out of her writer's block?

Noelle was currently awaiting for Asta to come home in three days. They had long ditched the apartment they used to own and now have a three-bedroom upstairs and downstairs house together. She could remember what she and Asta talked about when the both of them first moved in, about wanting to start a family of their own. They had begun some wedding preparations, preparing for their wedding for this summer. They were hoping to become pregnant around that time as well. They didn't just buy and nice house with more bedrooms than they needed for no reason, they were actually...ready for this next step.

Especially Noelle. Oh, how she desperately wanted to welcome a baby inside of their home soon. To have a little life growing inside of her that would be embraced with love, joy, and happiness. A baby that she hoped would resemble Asta in not only looks but attitude too. She couldn't wait...and she assumed her wait wouldn't be any longer.

She was feeling down for the past month...nothing out of the ordinary just not herself. She was always tired, and couldn't eat the same foods as she used to before. She didn't think anything of it until she missed her period. That's when the suspicions began.

And now here Noelle was pregnancy test in hand, looking at the word pregnant on the stick. Her hand goes to her mouth, stifling the cry that awaited. Sure she was alone, but was it really okay to cry over such a happy thing? She was happy! But that didn't change the fact that she was also emotional. Wasn't that just a part of being pregnant though? Something both her and Asta would have to get through.

So many thoughts were running wildly through her head. This would be their first kid together...she couldn't help but wonder how they'd turn out. Sure it was early, but would they look like her or him? Would they be a boy or girl? She already knew they would most defiantly be cute...this was her kid for crying out loud. Most importantly though, they'd have the best dad in the world.

Asta would be the best dad. He was nice, caring, and such a gentle sweetheart with her. He'd be overprotective, kind, helpful, and thoughtful throughout her pregnancy. She had seen him when dealing with his younger siblings at the orphanage he'd grown up at, and he was already so important with the children there. She was sure it wouldn't be any different with their child.

And Noelle...she'd try and be the best mom as possible. She never had a mom growing up or even the best family, but she'd make sure that was different for her child. She'd fill her home with love and comfort. She'd make sure everyone felt wanted and included.

Drawing her further away from her thoughts of them becoming parents is someone ringing the doorbell. Noelle exists in the bathroom, heading to the front door inside of the living room. She looks out the window before answering, a look of surprise falling upon her face before she sighs, opening the door.

"Yuno?" she questions.

"Yep," he says.

"What're you doing here? Asta here?" she questions.

(Asta x Noelle) Happiness is a ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now