Chapter Twenty-Six: Nearing the End of A Significant Story

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The two finally had a date together for their wedding, as well as a venue, caterer, their guests, and the many other things that were out into a wedding. They'd be getting married in one month now and almost all preparations were taken care of.

Noelle and her bridesmaids had their dresses, Asta and his men had their suits. Their flower girl- well, flower girls, was going to be Nozel's daughter, her niece Isabella as well as Yami and Charlotte's daughter Yasumi. Their son Ryu would be their ring bear as well.

All of the big things were planned and paid for, which just left them with small things. To be honest though, was this really such a small thing?

"So where are you all taking me?" Asta questions.

Today just happened to be their all-famous bachelor and bachelorette party. Asta had no idea where she was going, or himself for that matter. All he knew was that Yuno was the one who initially planned this one. Yuno wasn't the most fun person. Planning things...wasn't really for him.

"Its a surprise, " he speaks

"A surprise..." Asta repeats. Usually, he was excited about these things, and don't get him wrong he was thrilled, he was just...unsure of things. Everything seemed kinda weird.

"You sound gloomy. Don't be. This will be fun, " Yuno says, a smirk on his face as he speaks.

"Fun? Yuno's saying the word fun?" There's sarcasm heavy and evident in Asta's voice, and Yuno takes heavy note of it.

"Shut up, Asta. I'm not that much of a today'll be my way of repaying Noelle." There's a chuckle that escapes Yuno lips as he says these words. Asta has no idea what he means by any of what he's talking about and instead, focuses on the drive there.

At his bachelor party was Yuno, Magna, Luck, Leopold, Kiato, and Finral. Only Yuno, Magna, and Luck were a part of the wedding, but everyone agreed the more, the merrier. It was only just both him and Yuno right now, heading towards wherever the hell they'd be celebrating his marriage. The drive was silent, not awkward though. Usually the two had everything in the world to talk about but this time they seemed to be lost in thought.

Yuno, on the fact that his best friend/brother was getting married, and for real this time, and Asta, on wherever Yuno was taking him. He was only interested since it involved him repaying back Noelle. Did this involve him? Or was it just something the two of them did together. He could remember, back when him and Mimosa were engaged how both Noelle and Yuno were always together. For a while he thought both her and him would've gotten together, or at least had liked each other. What if that was still true?

"Hey," Yuno's voice brings him back to reality. "Stop being so spacey. We're here,"

Asta looks out his window. His eyes narrow a the place. What first meets his eye is just a regular place, maybe a bar or club, but he quickly double backs, and that's when he finally realizes out where they're at. Honestly...he didn't expect this. Not from Yuno, anyways. If anyone else had planned this, he'd most defiantly expect it. He wouldn't even be as shocked as he was right now. But it being Yuno who planned this...genuinely he was confused.

"This is a joke right?" Asta voices aloud.

"No," Yuno says, with zero amounts of hesitation too.

"You...planned this...?" Asta is still so shocked, still questioning what this was all about.

"Of course I did. I have to repay Noelle. And what better way to repay her than to make her angry," there's another chuckle that escapes his friends lips. If Asta didn't know any better, he'd say that this was a defiant imposter. From the weird laughs to him taking him to such a...vulgar place...

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