Chapter Eleven: Life

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As exciting as their trip to Hawaii was, it was relaxing for Noelle to finally be back home. Especially in the comfort of her own bed. She loved sharing a room with both Vanessa and Nero, but she also loved being alone every so often. So now, here she was, ready to crawl back into her introvert hole. Just for a little while. She needed to finish another chapter for her book by the end of this week. She was going super strong with motivation and ideas at first, but it seemed like ever since Asta came into her life once again she's had writer's block.

I mean, who wouldn't when your story is about getting over an ex you were mentally and physically attached to; someone you loved more than anyone? Her first story, the one that signified her as an author was about love. Her love for Asta. She wouldn't say it was about their life together, but subliminally, it defiantly was. It was a story, for him. For Asta. And the fact that he read said story made her happy. It made her happy to know that somehow, she was still in her thoughts, and even if he didn't know the story was about and for him, he had read it. That simple little thing was enough to keep her heart at rest, at least for now.

And so, she spends the next three days at home, all by herself to try and finish writing, but writings the least she does. Instead, she keeps her mind elsewhere, either in reading stories and books that defiantly weren't hers, binge-watching shows, and eating takeout. On the third day, she decides on cleaning her house, which had gotten pretty dirty with how lazy she was being as of recent. She's glad she does too since a guest decides on knocking on her door.

She quickly goes to answer it. There were only a few people who actually knew where she lived, or at least what apartment number she was in. That was of course her brother Nozel, and Asta and Mimosa. They were the only three that had visited before, and somehow, she doubted Asta and Mimosa would be showing up without any further notice. And just as she had thought, it's Nozel who appears at her door.

She pauses, wondering silently why exactly he was visiting her.

"Nozel?" she questions, although she doesn't know why she does. She was sure it was him. There was only one person with silver hair that wore their bangs in a braid. Her older brother."What're you doing here?" she adds to her question, opening the door wider for him to come in. A long time ago, back when she first went to boarding school, she was sure her relationship with her brother would never be so...healthy. But now, practically seven years later, they were just fine. The closest of all of their siblings. Nozel also helped her through so much. Most of those two years that she was gone were spent in her brother's care. She honestly owed her life to him and was very thankful.

"I came to check on you. We haven't talked in a while. That and..." he pauses, trailing off a bit."And...?" she queries, wondering where exactly this conversation was going.

"And I came by about five days ago. Your car, nor you were there. And then I have seen the pictures on social media so-" "So you know I was in Hawaii?" she concludes, finally realizing where this going. "Yes," he nods.

"And I know that you were with Asta," he adds.

Noelle bites her lip. I mean, she was a fully grown adult. She didn't have to answer him. He wasn't her dad, just her older brother. Still though, said older brother was always worried about her, especially ever since she left Asta. Even if she didn't leave him because she disliked him, she still chose against coming back once all the smoke was clear. And so, he was more than likely worried. Or mad. Maybe both.

"Are you mad?" Noelle voices.

"No. There's no reason for me to be mad. You're a grown woman now, Noelle. I trust you. I just get worried sometimes. And I didn't think you'd be meeting up with Asta. At least not so soon. Do you know that he's marrying Mimosa-"

"Yes I know," she cuts him off. And she didn't mean to say it so angrily.

"How long have you known about their engagement?" she questions her brother. "Longer than you...since it first happened, maybe about seven months ago,"

"And you didn't think to tell me?" she asks, her voice rising despite her wanting of keeping her composure.

"I knew you still loved him, Noelle. I didn't want to hurt you. Not after you had been hurt so much before then," he says, pulling her close into a hug once he sees the tears fall down her face. "Are you okay?" he inquires. Many people didn't like that question but every so often it needed to be brought up.

"No," she answers back, and he's glad she's honest.

"Still, it's my fault. I was stupid, thinking I could leave Asta and he wouldn't move on. But I-I didn't think I was that...replaceable," she sobs, desperately trying to wipe her tears."That's life, though," she concludes.

And she knew it was true, everyone knew it was true. No matter the circumstances, life kept on moving; you either kept up or got swept alongside everyone else who couldn't make it.

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