Chapter Seventeen: Memories of Us

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Noelle awoke the next morning around 10. She's not awoken by anything out of the ordinary, just the suns shining rays of sunlight. She winces at the blinding light from her window, tossing and turning. It was clearly morning...what had she done the night before to make her so tired? Her brain rummaged to find the answer until suddenly, it finally dawned on her that yesterday was Asta's wedding. Not just any wedding either, his canceled wedding.
As soon as she realizes that, her brain fog seems to leave her. Everything comes flood back; her wanting to leave California again, Asta finding her, Asta telling her he loved her, and Asta spending the night...

They hadn't done anything! Her mind jumped to her first thought of them having sex, but quickly after she remembered that she defiantly didn't. All they did was eat and go to bed, together. Her body turns and her eyes glance at Asta, fast asleep inside of her bed. She didn't mean for him to sleep here, or even spend the night but who could blame her!

She had been waiting so long to hear those words leave his lips again, and not just to anyone, but her. She was thankful and glad that her boy who was now a man, was still in love with her. How did she end up so lucky? She was never the best to him. To be completely honest she was the worst. She hadn't even told him the full story of her leaving yet he was able to forgive her and scoop her off her feet just like that. Once again, she was lucky. The most blessed girl in the world.

Noelle continued to stare at his face. He was the most peaceful sleeper ever. She could admire him silently and quietly this way, without him teasing her for starting too long. Asta had grown into his features. He looked grown and mature. Did she look any different? She had felt like she looked the same forever but looking at Asta made her wonder such things. Did she look grown and mature?
Her hands self consciously go to his face, her hands cuffing around his face. Slowly by slowly, they slither down to his shoulders. She had known he was one of those people who worked out and exercised like crazy but were his shoulders always this broad and...and well huge? He had much more muscle than before, or at least a lot compared to her frail self. Compared to him she looked unhealthy. There was a time where she cared about her health, where she would work out and eat meals, nowadays she was a frail thing that mainly drunk coffee and hot chocolate. That was a problem, wasn't it?

She could remember a time where she ate full meals, and now she could barely eat once a day. As she thought more of it when did that change? During her depression...or maybe was it after? Had she been like this for two years? Last night though, with Asta, she had eaten a lot. Or more than she usually did. Was this a good sign? Maybe it was. Things always changed with Asta around, and she was sure with him that he'd worry more about her health than herself.

She was thankful for that though. Always so thankful.
Asta's movement and groans make her jump, going back to the edge of the bed. Did she wake him? She didn't mean to. She was only admiring him. She probably just got lost in thought though. Her eyes glance at him again, and his movement ceases. A sigh escapes her lips as he gratefully goes back to sleep. They were up late together last night, just taking. He deserved his sleep.

She wanted to kiss him, or at least hug him, but would that be too cliche? Plus, was it too late for pillow talk? When Asta would wake, he'd probably want to go home. Sure they had talked this out and kissed, and he told her his feelings...but what did that even mean? Were they together? Would they ever be together? Neither of them had brought that up, and she was far too shy to even try and bring it up. Would he go home after this? Would they even talk after this? She had so many questions that she knew couldn't be answered!

And so she doesn't answer them.

She doesn't think of them.

She just looks back at Asta.

(Asta x Noelle) Happiness is a ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now