Chapter Fifteen: Happiness

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For some odd reason, Asta was not feeling the greatest on his wedding day.

Weddings were supposed to be special. A special time spent between two families coming together and enjoying such an amazing occasion. It was a joyous occasion where you were supposed to be happy. Keyword supposed to be. He felt down for some sort of reason like he was dreading this. Anxious at saying his vows, fearing saying I do, and of course he was terrified of seeing Noelle. What would be the look on her face when she saw that he was now a married man? When did she see them getting married and living in happiness that should've been with her?

He just...didn't know what to do. He couldn't let down Mimosa and now he was defiantly sure that Noelle hated him. And she had a right to. He cheated on Mimosa and made her the accessory. Sure, she shouldn't have probably kissed back but she loved him for damn's sake! When you love someone, there are certain things that you can't control.

Either way though here it was, the long-awaited day, dressed in a white suit, staring in the mirror, just waiting for their ceremony to finally begin. The door opens, and Asta looks towards it to only be met with Yuno.

"Hey," Asta says, his eyes shooting back to the mirror.

"Hey," Yuno says, sighing just a bit. Asta knew for a fact that Yuno was mad at him. Still. He hadn't told him what happened between him and Noelle to make them not talk again and he was going through with marrying Mimosa.

"You know," Yuno begins. "The weddings starting in five minutes, it's not too late to back out of this."

Asta sighs. "I can't do that. Mimosa has family here, I have family here and-"

"It's not about everyone here Asta. It's about you, and if you don't want to marry and make a commitment to Mimosa you don't have to. I'm going to be crisp and clear with you. You love Noelle and that's okay! I don't know what happened between you two but get over it. You're miserable here. It's okay to reject her now, isn't that better than getting a divorce six months later?"

"I just can't Yuno! Mimosa helped me through a lot! I owe her so much and...and..." Asta's words get stuck in his mouth. He didn't know what to say. What was he supposed to say? Sure Mimosa had helped him through a lot, and, at a point and time he loved her a lot but now, in his mind, in his head, all that was there was Noelle. All inside of him she resonated. She stayed there, rent-free. Her smiles, her tears, her happiest moments, her saddest, all of them were bounded of him. Bounded with him, forever and always.

Just like they were supposed to be. He proposed to Noelle, they were supposed to get married, live together, maybe have children...his future always resided with her. It didn't matter that she left him, it didn't matter that in less than five minutes he'd be married, all that mattered was right now, which was currently the present, that'd he fight for her, he'd fight for them. For their past, present, and of course for their future.

"Alright," Asta says, his hands running through his hair.

"Cancel the wedding,"

4 Years Earlier

After being deployed for practically two years, both Asta and Noelle would be heading home for a short while. With their military savings, the two had been moved in with each other, buying an apartment together a year after actively being in the military. Although they weren't there a lot, they lived there happily whenever they weren't deployed or on break. For the first time in a while though, the two were deployed together for a whole month. Being in the military and not being married meant they weren't together a lot. Asta did things away from her and so did Noelle. To be completely honest, they had more benefits being married than they did while single, they just didn't want to rush things. While on one hand, it could make them closer, on the other, it could be the downfall of their relationship.

(Asta x Noelle) Happiness is a ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now