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Hey Wattpaders, thank you for taking the time to check out this book! I'll try to give my utmost to this and ensure that you'll have an awesome ride.

Please go through the following points to have a safe and fun-filled experience! Thank you

*This is a work of fiction. All characters and places maybe inspired from real day monuments but have nothing to do with them.

*Constructive criticism is always welcomed but abusers and haters, not so much.

*Please do not copy my or any other author's works for that matter. They give their everything and it's just not right to steal their works and it will absolutely NOT be tolerated.

*All rights reserved. Any fanfiction or translations of this book cannot be made without permission from the author.

*This story contains scenes which maybe upsetting to some readers so read at your own risk.

And the most important of all is to fun! Wattpad has given me much more than what I bargained for so I figured it's my turn to do the same. So sit back and hold tight my dear Jellies cause boy, you are in for a terrific ride {If I do say so for myself ;)}

Your comments are like jackfruit ice cream with rainbow sprinkles to my soul! I look forward to them :))) [Yeah, you read that right. JACKFRUIT. They're delish!]

Until then, 

Toodles <3 <3 <3

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