Chapter 17: The pain of the heart and mind

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"Why didn't you ask him about the conversation he had with the Chief?" asked Iver, his airy voice filled with confusion. Marleigh, however, did not respond. She kept walking towards her room, paying no heed to the things happening around her.

Once she was safely inside, she shut the door and latched it tight, ensuring that no one could sneak on her. She swept the place with her eyes, scanning every nook and corner for any sign of living. She heaved a sigh only after making sure that Martha was training with her fellow warriors.

Marleigh sat on the neatly laid out single cot and called out to Iver. The mist responded with a huff, clearly upset because she had ignored him. She undid her braid, letting her daring red threads free and shouted in an annoyed tone, "You have no right to be upset, Iver. You ignored me for weeks and refused to provide me with an answer!"

The mist, too dumbfounded to speak anything, whispered in a low tone, "You are right. I...I have absolutely no excuse for ghosting you. And yes, that was a pun."

A little chuckle escaped Marleigh's lips but she managed to cover it up with a cough to which he replied, "You can laugh. I have been told that I have quite the humour."

Marleigh was reminded of Kai and she quickly brushed away her thoughts. She wondered if it was the after effect of him trying to read and calm her emotions. Her eyes began to sting and a drop of tear fell from her left eye.

All the frustrations and complaints she had suppressed in her heart broke free and her face instantly flooded with tears. Marleigh clenched her chest, as a sharp pain emitted from her heart and coursed through her veins, all the way to her head.

"W-What is happening?" asked Marleigh, breathless. Her Head throbbed from the pain and her breathing slowed, "H-Help."

Iver was panicking. Marleigh was having a meltdown. Since he was not a human, he cannot physically react or calm her down. Augurs are generally strong beings that can withstand even the most torturous of physical pain but their hearts are fragile. It was both a blessing and a curse.

Marleigh was still withering on the floor, her hands clutching her blouse and screaming in extreme pain. Iver, with no other option, started murmuring a chant. Marleigh saw a flash of white light and a loud knock was heard.

After a couple of fierce pounds, the door broke revealing Kai with an axe and a concerned looking Alina. They were both sweating as if they had run miles.

Kai took Marleigh in his arms and whispered in a calm voice, "It'll be okay. I am here. We're here."

He sat down on the floor and slowly put Marleigh's head on his lap. Kai then placed both his palms on either side of her head and started chanting. His green eyes started glowing. Marleigh could feel the zap of energy transferring from his hands to her head and heart. After a long hour, things finally calmed down and the three of them sat awkwardly, facing each other.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Kai in concern, "What happened? It's not rare for Augurs to do that can talk to me about it."

The blonde, who had been watching and assisting Kai silently exited the room, giving the duo privacy to have a heart-to-heart. She did not know what they were angry about but she could see that the both of them were hurting.

Marleigh, who was still on the floor, sat up. Her already pale face seemed paler and she was flushed with sweat, breathing heavily, "Seriously, Kailan? I don't know you and yet I trusted you. Technically, it was on me. Or so I thought before-" Marleigh let out a shaky breath and stared straight at his green eyes, "B-Before I knew you were a...Maggi."

The shock and pain on Kai's face should've been enough for Marleigh's satisfaction but all she did was sob. She sobbed heavily and the pain in her chest began to emerge. Iver tried whispering in her mind that she should remain calm and whatnot but the only thing on Marleigh's mind was Kailan Sezvaski. The stranger that she had trusted, the stranger who she came to like and the stranger who, in frequent times, was there for her was lying to her.

"You know what hurts me more?" asked Marleigh, her tears continuing to fall, "I-I came to trust you. It has always been hard for me to trust but when I finally did, I thought my choice was right...B-But the thought that it might've been you and not me who made me trust you...It hurts."

Alina, who had silently been listening to this, came and hugged Marleigh. She shook her head towards Kai and said, "Maybe it might be better for you guys to have a talk at a later time. I'll check her."

With one last look, Kai left the room with a sad look on his face. Marleigh felt sorry for him but the fear that he might try to manipulate her again was severe. She hugged herself and closed her eyes to let the remaining tears fall.


Yes, this is an extremely short chapter and I just wanted it to be a filler for things that will be occurring in the subsequent chapters. The next chapters will definitely be of the normal length so I hope you look forward to it (;

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...I sound like an youtuber, don't I? The things I do for TMT.

P.S. Thank you for reading and I love you all <3

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