Chapter 18: The Letter

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Kailan silently went to his room, latched the door shut and sat down. He took a quill and an ink bottle. He sat on the writing desk at one corner of the small room and began scribbling in a parchment.

Dear Mother,

It has been awfully sunny in Athaliah and I am beginning to think that maybe winter isn't so bad afterall. I can already imagine your thin eyebrows scrunching and that judgmental look forming in your face. You would probably huff with your pouty little lips, shaking your blonde hair, mumbling about how I am very uncultured and that I do not understand the struggles our cattle go through in winter. Not to mention, your lament about our already declining finances and our broken house which is definitely not equipped for snow storms.

There is someone I met here in Terry Square who reminded me of my happy past. She has a pretty smile, much like yours and a fiery attitude, just like her flaming red hair. Her hazel eyes sparkle with glee whenever she tries something new and her rosy cheeks flush like a newly blossomed rose on a fine spring day, when she's embarrassed. I would never admit that I have been paying her too much of my attention, mother, not for a very long time. Until she's ready to talk to me, that is.

I am not proud of the things I've done or the person I've become. But if there's something that I awfully regret in my twenty-years of being a Maggi, it is the fact that I've betrayed someone who trusted me with their whole heart. I've had people shun me, judge me or even try to kill me. Heck, I even killed some people but none of them looked at me like I was a human mother, except you.

They assumed I was a monster, an awful monster with an ugly scar. A scary Maggi who could manipulate people with just a flick of a finger or sweet lies. What they assumed were true but she...she was different. She didn't treat me any different than she would a stranger. Sure, she was scared at first, only because I was an unknown man and not as a Maggi or a boy with a scarred face. Even if people didn't know I could control their minds, they still felt disgusted at the very sight of me. I think that is what made me develop an interest. If you two ever meet, I am sure you would become quick friends in no time.

Mother, did you also feel the same way when father first saw you? Did he ever treat you differently just because you were from Fidlekin? The wars must've been tough on him. It would not have been easy to accept and fall in love with a woman from an enemy nation. But I know that there is no way I will get answers to these lingering questions in my heart. Not until I make peace and reveal everything to her. She deserves to know. Marleigh Cromwell deserves to know who she is and the truth about her kingdom.

How I miss you everyday, mother. I wish you were next to me, cradling me in your arms and hugging me. How I wish I could embrace you one last time, to see your smile and get one final kiss on the forehead. Everyday that you are not here is like a fresh stab to my heart. I love you so much, mother. If only our lives were a little better. If only our jobs were a little easier. If only I wasn't selfish. I will make it right, mother. Trust me one last time. I will make sure to bring justice to all the people I've wronged.


Kailan Sezvaki.

Kai folded the parchment and kept it inside a book. He then closed his eyes and placed his hands over a book, mumbling an array of chants. A white glow emitted from the book which faded eventually. He ran his fingers through his dark hair and sighed.

A little knock jerked Kai away from his fumbling train of thoughts. He carefully placed the book inside his bag and opened the door. To his surprise, he saw a dark haired female smiling with her vicious black lips and she carried a little box with her.

She made her way into the room and sat on the chair, with such grace that if he didn't know better, he would've thought she was already the empress. Maegera has always been a proper lady with wit as sharp as Kai's knives. Oftentimes, he wondered why she didn't marry the crown prince to take over the throne and settled for the lesser known, humble second prince.

"I know what you are thinking Kailan," she whispered, her black lips still harbouring the smirk, "Or should I call you Kai? Word on the street is that you go by that name now."

Kai sighed, got to his knees and bowed his head, "Your Highness, to what do I owe such pleasure?"

Maegera clicked her tongue, annoyed at the obvious sarcasm directed at her, "Don't take that tone with me, boy. I saw you grow up. I know when you are being sarcastic."

Kai smiled and sat on the bed, adjacent to Maegera. He made himself comfortable and offered a pitcher of water to her, which she refused. Kai shrugged and began gulping down the water. After a full three minutes of the sound of Kai gulping down the water, Maegera snatched the pitcher and set it aside in the bedside table angrily.

"Focus Kai, do you think we have enough time?" Mae whispered, her eyes pleading for him to understand the urgency of the situation, "If you had done your job on time, if you had convinced her, we would be planning Rishim's coronation."

Kai sighed and ran his fingers through his hair for the umpteenth time today. It was then that he realized that whenever he was nervous, he tended to do that. It gave him a momentary sense of relief and comfort in doing so. As if he was a little boy, laying in his mother's lap and overlooking the meadow on a sunny day while his mother gently stroked his head in hopes of making the hyperactive boy fall asleep.

"Your Highness, it is not that simple. Marl- the Augur, she is not trained yet." Kai started, his eyes turning a darker shade of green. He took a note from one of his backpacks and placed it in front of Maegera, his lips pursed.

"So...she can not-" Maegera started only to be interrupted by the irritated voice of Kai.

"No, she can not translate the Cahier yet, Your Highness."

Maegera's whole world felt as if it was being ripped apart. She felt a tight squeeze in her chest and her head throbbed with a thousand scenarios playing around. Images of Rishim being executed for treason, of her unborn child growing up fatherless and the worst of all, the downfall of the Kingdom Of Athaliah rushed into her mind. Beads of sweat formed on the nape of her neck and her palms itched like crazy from the nervous breakdown she was having.

Yet, Maegera was no quitter. She squared her shoulders and sat upright, "Do not disobey my orders, Kai. Use your powers, manipulate her into learning the holy language. We need that book translated to save the Kingdom. Do whatever you must."

With that final remark, Maegera threw a sack of silver coins on Kai's chair and left the room. Kai looked at the pouch and sighed, "If only it was that easy, Your Highness. There's a reason why Augurs are the most blessed and powerful than any creature."



Hello Folks, it has been a while, hasn't it? For those that are reading this after my long hiatus, thank you for still being here. I have decided to try and update regularly from now and the updates will be once in two weeks and I hope you don't get too bored because things are just getting started!

If you are unsure about what is happening here, I suggest you go and give a quick read through of the book to refamiliarize yourself with the story. If you wish for me to write up a summary, please let me know in the comments. I missed writing and it would mean a lot to hear your feedbacks once again. Thank you <3

I hope you have a great time! (:

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