Chapter 3: About Myths And Truths

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"You're an Augur. The prophesied one, the one with the divine blood."

Marleigh stared at Kai as if he had gone nuts. An Augur? Her? She knew she was different from the rest, that she sometimes could see sprites and their magic trail. But that wasn't something new.

It was no mystery that gifted people existed in the Sixteen Kingdoms but an Augur? It was just a myth.

A story read to the children to distract them from the unspeakable things happening in the Kingdom.

"It's just a children's tale. There's no... Augur" Marleigh muttered nervously.

Kai sighed and moved closer, his breath tickling her ear lobes, "There are no such things as myths, princess. Just forgotten truths. And when you remember them, find me."

Heat rose to her cheeks. She had never been this close to a male before except Marco, of course. But Marco is a cockatiel. He doesn't do much except flying around and allowing her to pet him.

And certainly not towering over her and standing close... Breathing down on her earlobe. At that moment, she noticed a black shadow crossing the alley carrying a heavy metal box in one hand and a sapphire staff in the other.  

She stiffened. Her arms began to shiver and she could almost feel her blood being sucked by some invisible force, making her knees go weak. Her bones felt like they could crumble into dust any moment.

'It couldn't be...No, I saw them turn into marbles with my own eyes. Maybe it's just a hallucination?' 

She mentally shook her head and glanced over Kai's shoulders, "Um... There are no more people around. Let's go,"

Finally sensing the proximity between them, Kai immediately pushed himself away from the red-haired maiden with a flustered look, "Ah... Um... Yes...L-Let's go,"


That night Marleigh couldn't sleep. All she could think of was the word Augur and the sapphire staff.

Her mind drifted to the shadow she had seen in the alley. It's tall demeanor, long hair covered by a dark cloak seemed extremely familiar.

She turned around in her bed and took the box wrapped in red silk in her arms. She studied the floral pattern on the cloth and remembered the words she had exchanged with Kai before parting ways.

"Remember, I'll be waiting for you," he had said, handing her a bamboo box, "Light this firework the night before the ball, if you want to know more."

"And what makes you think I will?" Marleigh had asked genuinely curious.

"Because, I know you will." and with those final words, he went about his way, skipping and whistling.

'So, the prophets with the blood do exist huh?' Marleigh thought, turning towards the little window in her room. She gazed out at the stars adorning the sky like glitter powders on a deeply coloured parchment.

Marleigh initially thought that maybe Kai was kidding, but his eyes and his expression, they seemed sincere. Somehow, she could tell that he was being earnest.

Marleigh's grip tightened around the silk. I am very satisfied here. Unnecessarily digging around my past is going to hurt me and the others. I am with the Vohras and so shall I remain until the end of my time.

With that thought in mind, she drifted away to sleep holding the bamboo box in her hands.


"Wake up, Lee!!" shouted Rima, yanking Marleigh's duvet, "They are here. Quick! Go change into the ceremonial gown,"

Marleigh sighed and got out of the bed trying to untangle her red locks. She pulled out her cream coloured ceremonial gown from her small, dusty cupboard. At the very back, there lay a small black packet of organic dye.

Marleigh sighed again and wiped the contents of the packet on her head. Her daring red curls turned a lustrous black. With her stained fingers, she applied some to her eyebrows, carefully so as to not get them in her eyes.

"I hate doing this every three months," Marleigh mumbled as she gently stroked her now dyed hair. She tied her hair into a bun, letting the dye settle whilst she put on her gown.

"I'm so sorry you have to do this every time, Lee." Akila said, entering the room which she used to share with her best friend, with a basket of freshly plucked fruits, "Just so you know, I'm not very fond of the old chiefs either,"

Marleigh shrugged, "You guys gave me a life. I'll consider this as my payment."

It was true. Rima trusted her relatives way too much. To please them, she'd go to any length and they loved that.

"It was her first time, you know. Disobeying the elders so that you can stay with us." Akila said, hugging her friend.

She knew. And that's the only reason Marleigh's treating the Vohra elders with respect. She glanced at the family portrait next to Akila's old mattress. The Vohra's looked happy there, their family, complete and harmonious.

Marleigh studied the painting closely. Rima in her six-year-old self smiling for the portrait with a broken tooth and Akila gently cradled in the hands of Mrs Vohra while her husband, with a tired expression holding onto their oldest son. 

"Hey, I miss them too," her friend said, gently patting Marleigh, "What happened was a tragedy. None of it was your fault, don't blame yourself,"

Not being able to form any words, she held her friend tighter. The warmth and the steady heartbeat of her most precious person calmed Marleigh's emotions. 

Breaking away from the hug, Akila smiled, "Let's go, shall we? They'll be here any moment now,"


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