Chapter 7: The Sovereigns

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The sound of hurried heels hitting the marble floor echoed through the main corridor of the Duke's mansion; a smirk elegantly placed on the black-coated lips and head held high as if she had just discovered the cure for all her worries.

She stood before the intricately decorated door hidden behind one of the thousand pillars in the castle, her mystical black fan opened and pointed, as if she was ready for battle. No, there was no as if, she was all prepared for battle.

Clad in the armor of confidence and the greatest spear of all, her wit, Maegera was more than ready to face the storm beyond the door. She squared her shoulders and countenance oozing from her expression, she knocked on the door.

"What did the soldiers say when they saw Deadmane's corpse?" whispered a voice through the small opening on the door. Maegera rolled her hazel eyes.

"Oh, look. It's a dead man," Maegera answered with a vacuous tone.

A manly chuckle erupted from the other side of the door, "Man, it will never get old hearing you answer that in your stoic voice, Mae."

Maegera sighed, "Very funny, Your Grace. Now if you could just open the door."

The huge door opened with a creak and a handsome blond stepped outside. His bright brown eyes crinkled with happiness at the sight of his best friend and enveloped her in a hug, lifting her off the ground with ease.

"Now, now Mae, you can just call me Rishim like you used to," He said.

"Your Majesty!" came a shrill and Rishim let her down, "It is extremely improper for a royal prince to this!"

The old woman, from whom the ear-piercing shrill had emitted from, gave Maegera a stern look. She, in turn, glared at the prince, conveying a look-what-you-got-me-into expression.

"C'mon Gisabelle, you know she is my fiancée. I am allowed to do this much," Rishim pleaded with his eyes, which he knew was his nursemaid's weak spot.

"Unfortunately," she murmured with malevolence but quickly smiled at the prince, "Unfortunately, it is still against the code of conduct, Your Highness."

Maegera was looked down upon by the palace staff and the nobles alike. She was an orphan, after all. Rishim had always had her back, even when she was an insignificant Baron's daughter. She would come with her mother to help the late Queen with her royal tea parties and in the process had fallen in love with the boy who always smiled and had the aura of an angel.

The trio then entered the room, which Maegera observed, was a spacious lounge filled with the members of the Sovereign party. Brightly lit candles hung from the ceiling while the most trusted handmaidens of the castle served tea to the nobles present.

"So, any good news for the Sovereigns, Baroness?" asked Count Bellum, his plump figure casually sipping tea as if he didn't have a care in the world.

After King Serifus' enthronement, the economy as well as the livelihood of the people had taken a serious hit. The Sovereign party was formed by the former Queen in hopes of over-throwing the tyrant King, her husband and choosing a suitable heir to the throne.

"Yes, Kai will bring good news by tonight," Maegera answered, taking a seat at the sofa, beside her fiancé, "Look out for the blue fireworks. If it is lit this evening, proceed to our plan."

Maegera examined the room, which was filled with the exclusive members of the higher society, handpicked by the late Queen. Her mother-in-law, the former Queen, was a kind and an intellectual soul. Maegera aspired to be at least half a good of a person as she was.

"It better be," answered Bellum, setting down his cup, a serious expression dawning on his face, "We can't delay any further. People are dying from poverty, Your Highness."

Rishim nodded solemnly. After his mother, the late Queen's death, Serifus declared the second prince, Danson, his heir. Danson, much like his father, only enjoyed the wealth and the attention he received and did not attend to the needs of his people.

"This will be the last attempt, Your Highness," said Count Cabree, his voice somber with a hint of fear, "The coronation is at the end of summer."

"Yes, Prince Danson is onto us," continued Count Bellum, "If he is crowned, it's only a matter of time..."

Maegera nodded. She knew it was the last. If this fails, Danson wouldn't spare anybody. She slightly placed a hand on her stomach and looked at her fiancé.

"My family's jewels must be restored and the scripts must be translated before the day of the coronation," said Marchioness Jubal, "The fate of the sixteen kingdoms is in the hands of that child, Your Highness."

Maegera on the other hand was lost in her thoughts. She hadn't told Rishim about their love child. Maegera knew that if he learns about this, Rishim would leave behind everything, even his dreams and his people, for her. For the child.

Maegera didn't want to deprive him of that. Not when people needed Rishim the most. On the other hand, she did not have the heart to deprive the unborn child of a life. Yes, the world was remorseless and a dangerous place but it had its own set of miracles and winsomeness. Maegera wanted them to be the ones to show it to their child.

"We will Marchioness. Right, Mae?" asked Rishim, bringing Maegera back to reality. Without realizing what was being said, she nodded a yes.

"That settles it then," said Bellum, standing up from his comfortable one seater, "We still don't trust that mercenary, Kai."

"But," continued Count Cabree, "We trust His Highness. We need the Augur to get to the wisest on time. If not, the King's associates will kill her."

Maegera nodded again along with the rest of the Sovereigns. The sooner Kai gets Marleigh to the wisest, the sooner the Sovereigns can execute the plan and place Rishim on the throne.

Prince Rishim got up and bowed low, "Thank you nobles for believing in me. You know I am not of Serifus' blood and I swear by the holy light and the blood of the late King Magnus that I do not intend to be like my tyrant of a step-father, but to lead my people in the path of righteousness."

A huge applause erupted from the nobles present in the room. Maegera smiled and held her lover's hand, squeezing it. He returned the squeeze and smiled at her as if assuring his fiancée that everything's going to be alright.


Hello, readers!

I really enjoyed writing this particular chapter and I hope you felt the same while reading this. This past week has been a damning tornado ride (The one from the amusement parks? They always make me nauseous) and I'm glad to be back!

I hope you show much love to these new characters Maegera and Rishim just as you do for Marleigh and the others!

As always, hit the star if you liked this and let me know in the comments about what you think of these two.

Happy Reading <3 <3 <3

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