Chapter 1: A Long Summer Ahead

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The blare of ships and chatter echoing from the marketplace in Athaliah served as an indicator for summer's arrival. At the centre of Terry square, children reeled around the big fountain splashing water and soaking in the summer sun, which was a luxury for the civilians.

It's a strange phenomenon, one which nobody --not even the wisest-- could explain. The sun only shone brightly for a month, once in three years in Athaliah.

As she passed by the marketplace, Marleigh heard the excited chattering of her townspeople.

"I can't believe the Grand Ball's coming up soon. It's just a few days away!"

"I know, I hope we get more orders for the boutique this year."

"Are you kidding me? You know the nobles only shop in the southern district."

"Oh, there's the youngest Vohra! Good morning Marleigh!" shouted a friendly voice from a distance.

Marleigh greeted back and entered the Bakery the Vohra's owned. She saw a basket full of delicacies and picked her favourite.

"It's delicious Akila," exclaimed Marleigh as she chewed on a piece of pita, enjoying the soft chewy texture of the flat bread, "Might need a bit more sugar,"

"No, you savage! It's perfect. You just have a sweet tooth." the dark-haired maiden laughed.

She wore her hair in a series of intricate braids and tied them in a bun on the top of her head. Her copper-skin shone in the sun and the dark mark on her chin made her the most beautiful girl in all of Terry square.

"Hmm, can't argue with that," Marleigh shrugged.

For as long as she can remember, Akila has been her closest confidant. Much like a sister that she never had. Having grown up without proper parents, Akila and her family treated Marleigh like their own.

She might've not received proper care in the wee days of her childhood but after the Vohra siblings found her, she'd been getting all the love and more.

"Leigh! Come here dear," a voice called out. Marleigh never knew her parents. Many times she tried to imagine them but the only person that came to her mind was Rima, Akila's older sister.

"Yes, Rima, do you need anything?" Marleigh asked with a big smile.

"The elders are visiting the day after tomorrow. I need silk sheets and duvets. You know how they are," Rima rolled her eyes and smiled.

Rima, much like her younger sister, had a pretty face and a killer smile. There even was a time when the richest of the nobles came to ask for her hand.

"Sure thing!" Marleigh smiled and took the small pouch filled with silver coins.

"And don't forget, do not under any circumstance enter the alley," Rima warned, slightly touching the scar on her neck.

There was no one in the whole of Athaliah who didn't know the story of the Northern alley. A vicious dark alley filled with criminals and thugs. Some even say that the terrifying gorgons reside near the foot of the mountain, an extended part of Northern Alley.

"Of course not, Rima," Marleigh sighed. Even though she had been curious, Rima's constant reminder kept her away from exploring the dark part of the Kingdom.

'I hope I don't run into any trouble.' Marleigh prayed and with the coins safely tucked in the inner pocket of her blouse, she proceeded towards the market.


"Thieeeefff! Somebody Catch him!" cried a voice. Marleigh shook her head and continued to inspect the purple duvet in her hand.

It was not a rare thing to have thieves wandering around in the market. But in Athaliah, they were everywhere. From the Northern Alley and all the way to the Southern District.

Poverty was flourishing in the Kingdom and even the most influential nobles succumbed to the crimes happening.

Athaliah was not always a crime-ridden, rotten Kingdom. It was one of the most prominent kingdoms, that was until King Serifus' rule.

"Please pack the red and the purple ones, sir," Marleigh said to the Merchant and handed him a couple of silver coins.

The merchant looked at the shining coins on the lady's hands in disbelief. His happy-go-salesman expression turned sour.

"Hey lady! What do you think you are doing? These cost ten silver coins!" shouted the angry merchant.

"Ten coins! Ridiculous. They are not worth more than three." Marleigh grunted.

I had just picked two sheets and they're demanding ten coins for that?! Thought the young maiden.

"I don't need your duvets, I'll shop somewhere else,"

Suddenly the merchant, who was twice the size of Marleigh, grabbed her hand.

"Let me go!"

"Give me ten coins and I'll let you go," threatened the merchant.

"Now, you don't have to be so harsh on her, sir. You should learn to handle girls with care," came a cool voice.

Marleigh, still trapped, turned to see a young man smiling at her. His hair was as black as a raven's feathers and his eyes, a deep green which reminded her of the forests. His face would have been almost perfect if not for the white scar that ran across his left cheek.

"You don't tell me how to do my business, Kai" the merchant grumbled.

Marleigh struggled to break free from his hold, but failed since his hands were stronger than handcuffs made of steel.

"Can you please excuse my sister this time? She's new to this town. The poverty made her stingy," said Kai, with a fake concerned look.

The merchant however failed to see through his façade and let go of Marleigh.

"But you guys don't look like siblings?" asked the merchant.

Kai shrugged, "I got all the good genes. Life isn't fair."

The merchant nodded in agreement. Kai swiftly grabbed Marleigh's hand and whispered, "Be ready to run, princess"


"Hey! But Kai's an orphan!" exclaimed the merchant and anger slowly returned on his gruff face.

"Now! Run!"

"That bastard! Shiga, Taiga, don't let them escape!" cried the merchant.


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