Chapter 11: The crystal ball

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"Gather round, children. Before we get into it, promise me that you'll never, I mean ever divulge this information to anyone."

Marleigh and Kai looked at each other and nodded, "We won't."

Binney then placed her crystal ball on the table, her eyes turning the color of lilac mixed with pink. A strong glow emitted from her eyes as she mumbled a chant in a foreign language. Marleigh tried to comprehend Binney's murmurs but could only grasp the sweet cacophony of the melodies of the whisper. A small mist formed on the ball which cleared to give an image of a brunet carrying a jar of wine and a plate of fruits.

"T-That is Ranamun," mumbled Marleigh with shock and anguish written on her face, "It is Ranamun! I can recognize that unkempt hair anywhere."

Kai put his hands over Marleigh's shaking shoulders and stared intently at the ball, "But where is he? We need a location. There are too many nobles who buy the royal slaves and exploit them."

A voice, as powerful as the thunder, echoed from Binney, though her mouth didn't stop the chanting, "Patience! The mists will reveal all that is hidden and seek those who are in need."

Taken back by the voice, Kai fell a step behind while Marleigh fascinatedly stared at the crystal. The ball then showed a garden filled with poison ivy and rose bushes. At the center of it were a tea table and three chairs, out of which two were occupied by big, fluffy teddy bears. A little girl with blond hair approached the table and set down the kettles of piping hot tea on a neatly folded and perfectly ironed tablecloth.

The little girl, however, did not appear to be noble, but a slave. Her worn-out brown gown was tattered almost everywhere and she wore a thick iron anklet on her left ankle. Her tired green eyes bore no happiness and her pale complexion made her look more exhausted. Her hands, Marleigh noticed, had deep, unhealed cuts.

"That is-"

"Yes, that is a royal slave. Poor girl, her family must've been in deep debt to have sold such a young child to the royals," continued Marleigh, her eyes beginning to water at the state of the child. 

"I-I think I know where this is..." Kai said with his fists clenched, "That bastard!"

Marleigh quickly turned to Kai with a worried look, her hands clenched in a fist, "Are you sure? We just saw the garden and the hall."

"Oh, I am more than sure. There's only one idiot noble in the entire kingdom who grows poison ivy and roses in the same place."

Binney, who had been powering up the crystal suddenly collapsed. Her breathing became heavy and her eyes returned to their usual brown. Marleigh rushed to Binney and placed her head on a folded blanket lying on the floor.

"Binney, are you alright?" asked Mareligh, worriedly. She gently tapped on Binney's cheek and when she didn't respond, she sprinkled water on her face to wake her up.

Binney slowly opened her eyes and stared at Marleigh, "I am sorry. I couldn't hold on for long. I am not as strong as I used to be."

Kai smiled a little, "It's alright, Binney. We got the information we wanted. All we have to do now is to go and rescue them."

Marleigh and Binney got up from the floor, dusting their dresses. Marleigh took her parasol from the stand she had placed it in and moved towards the door. Binney, realizing something, came running after them with a bottle of clear liquid, "This will help you clear your heads. Don't forget to drink half a bottle each."

With a grateful bow, the duo left the old cottage with high hopes. Binney waved with a sad smile on her face, "Forgive me, children. I did not want to do this either. But it has to be done for the sake of your journey and the lives of the people who depend on you." 


"Now that was..." Marleigh started as they boarded the carriage which after a lot of bargaining agreed to take them to the interior of the Southern District for three-fourth of the price.

"I know. Those people, how could they do that to them? That little child?" asked Kai, his lips forming a straight line and his brows knitting together.

Marleigh placed a reassuring hand on his knee and tried forming a smile on her face. No matter what Marleigh thought, the idea of a child slaving away and being taken advantage of didn't sit right with her. If the nobles, who were supposed to take care of the nation and its people were up to such misdeeds, she was afraid to imagine what the king will do.

"We will save them. Every single one of them," Marleigh reassured, her grip tightening, "We just need a great plan."

Kai smirked and his eyes twinkled with mischief, as if he already had a plan in mind, "We do have a great plan. I need your help, that's it."

Marleigh smiled, "I trust you. But, do you know who the noble was?"

Kai's face darkened and he shifted his body to face Marleigh, "It's Count Bellum."


"Yes, it's that man who says he cares about the well-being of the common people. That Count Bellum."


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