Chapter 5: The diabolical hag

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Marleigh stared at the luxurious mansion in front of her. The mahogany door at the entrance was at least double the size of a fully grown gorgon and the pillars supporting the building were decorated with vines of star jasmine, twirling elegantly on the cream coloured column.

At the front yard, there was a fountain of Echidna, the half-human, half-snake bride of Typhon, the deadly snake-monster and the rumored father of gorgons.

Her lower half, which was that of a snake, was draped on the lips of the fountain. Her hands held a sword, half her size decorated with emerald and topaz stones on the pommel. The sword, however, reflected light unlike the rest of the marble statue.

"Is that a real sword on the marble statue?" Marleigh thought aloud, staring at the deadly weapon in awe. She then glanced at her surroundings, taking in the luxurious scenery and the scent of the freshly cut grass.

A small patch of land lay barren in the corner of the yard where big pots were placed for cooking for the occasion. People of all races bustled around her, eagerly overseeing the preparation for the grand ball the next day. The Duke's mansion, as always, was the major contributor for the ball.

"Hey, miss. What are you doing just standing there?" asked a man with a glare, who was passing by Marleigh, "Make haste, the ball is tonight."

Marleigh nodded and proceeded to mow the lawn with a scythe. Her arms were numb from carrying the heavy object, her legs tired from running around all day under the sun. She adjusted her apron and moved to the kitchen where a huge pile of dishes awaited her.

"Oh my, those old hags didn't spare me, did they?" Marleigh muttered to herself, scrubbing the cutlery as fast as she could.

In addition to accompanying the Marchioness for the evening, she was asked to do chores around for the ball. Marleigh sighed in relief that nobody seemed to recognize her because of the dirty dress she wore, her head band and her black hair. 

At one corner of the room, she noticed a small yet familiar red cloth hung on the window of the kitchen. Curious, she inched forward to examine it. Just as she had suspected! It was the same material as the wrapping cloth Kai had given her with the box. She ran her fingers through the floral pattern and noticed a strange writing on the corner.

She looked at it, nonplussed. She knew it was a strange, foreign language yet somehow, she could understand every word written as if she had been learning it forever.

'When the moon is at its highest,

The rivers at its slowest,

When the blue star at its brightest,

The one of divine's blood at the strongest,

I'll sleep.'

Marleigh wondered what these meant. However, she couldn't come to a conclusion. She pondered while wiping the dishes she had washed.

After a while, she gave up trying to think. She stuffed the cloth into her inner pockets vowing to herself that she had to concentrate on the mission. There was no place for distraction and useless ponderings. Not today.

"You there, hurry inside. The ball is about to start," called out another maid, "Gather in the main hall and wait for instruction."

Marleigh along with the other servants made their way to the hall, hearts pounding loudly. But she knew the rhythm of the others was different from hers. She was nervous for a different reason. Tonight, she has to be in her best behaviour. She needs to prove her worth. This was her battleground and she sure as hell did not want to loose. 

"Oh, good evening, you must be my handmaiden for the evening." greeted Marchioness Jubal from a distance. Marleigh bowed down to pay her respects and kissed Lady Jubal's hand.

"Good evening mistress, I shall serve you to well this evening." replied Marleigh, a soft smile playing on her lips. She had always thought the Marchioness would be someone with a greying hair and a stern face but contrary to her expectations, the Marchioness was quite young with lush and soft brown hair and kind eyes. She seemed to be in her fourth decade and carried herself with poise. 

"I am glad to hear that. I really just needed someone to help me relax as I am too stressed and prone to fainting episodes these days." replied Lady Jubal. She patted Marleigh on her shoulder and pointed to the food counter, "Having said that, we should have some fun while we are here, right?"

Unknown to both Marleigh and Marchioness Jubal, there was a maid who was sneakily moving past the guards, undetected. She clenched the packet of purple powder in her palms, concealing it between her fingers. Her steps faltered as she concealed herself among the retinue of the Marchioness. She stopped near the buffet stand, still hidden among the servants and the advisors, and mixed the powder in the golden goblet containing the wine.

"This is it," the lady sighed looking to her sides nervously, "Now, all that's left is for the Marchioness to drink this and fall asleep."


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