Chapter 10: Spicy goos and teas

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The carriage came to a stop in front of an old, dilapidated hut with no sign of human civilization anywhere near the three-mile travel they had done. A thick blanket of forest spread throughout the vicinity and the squeal of monkeys echoed from the forest.

"Are you sure this is the right place, sir?" asked Marleigh suspiciously looking at the surroundings. She wore a pale green gown complete with jewelry as any other southern district lady would and she carried a white parasol to shield herself from the scorching sun.

"Aye, madam. This is where the crazy- I mean, Miss Binney lives." said the chauffeur, his eyes wandering over the frightful sight, "As agreed you ought to pay me double the fee for bringing you here."

Just then, another pair of legs exited the carriage but this one wore polished shoes and a posh suit to complete him, "A gentleman never fails his words, sir," said Kai, handing over a pouch filled with silver coins, "Here you go."

The chauffeur had a beaming smile on his face at the thought of feeding his family for a couple of days without much work. He alerted his horses to turn around but stopped mid-way and sent a wary glance over his shoulders, "A word of caution. The lady that lives here is said to have...err... strange habits, be careful out there."

Kai smiled and held Marleigh's gloved hands, "Thank you for your concern, sir. I'll take care of my sister well."

A sudden pain arose in Marleigh's chest. 'Why did he have to introduce us as siblings?' she thought. Not that Marleigh wanted him to introduce her as his fiancée or even as his wife, absolutely not. They looked nothing alike aside from the fact that they wore luxurious 'borrowed' outfits. Marleigh worried if someone might guess they're in disguise or worse, recognize them.

The Chauffeur, with a tired smile on his face, waved goodbye and went on his way. Marleigh turned around and looked at Kai, his green eyes still shining with an accomplished glow and excitement for a new adventure.

"You remember the plan, right?" asked Marleigh, gently taking her left hand away from Kai's grasp, "We meet Binney, ask for directions and procedures and save Ranamun, okay?"

Kai nodded and took a little green pouch from the insides of his pocket, "If she seems suspicious or harms us in any way, we throw this sleeping powder on her face and escape"

Somehow, Kai had sneaked past the security and caught Marleigh red-handed trying to sneak off into the forest behind the Duke's mansion. Unable to refuse his questions, she had told him what had happened to her brother and how she got an 'intel' about releasing him. Kai had agreed to help her on the condition that she owes him a favor. The idea of an extra hand seemed comforting to Marleigh and she had agreed to let him tag along.

Taking a deep breath, the duo moved forward to the wooden door. Marleigh gently knocked on the door, "Hello is anybody home?"

"The door's open, come on in." came a voice from well inside the house. Pushing the door open, Kai stepped in first followed by Marleigh. The inside of the cottage was painted in a dull grey and spider-webs hung from every corner and every wooden pillar in the house. A huge shelf was placed in the middle of the living room filled with jars of strange liquids and materials.

"Ah, welcome. Welcome. Iver said you'll be coming," said the lady, her face and head covered with a white cloth. She was a short, plump lady with golden eyes. Marleigh wondered if the strange lady too, could see mists and socialize with them. She mentally noted down to ask Binney more about the mists.

"You have quite the home, Miss Binney," said Kai, his eyes stuck on the shelf containing strange liquids, "Are you perhaps, a sorcerer?"

"I was. I decided to retire from the royal army a few decades ago," said Binney, removing her mask and scarf, "Besides old habits die hard, right, Kai?"

Kai was both shocked and astonished at Binney's words and he fiddled with his thumbs, an uneasy smile forming on his face, "I guess they do."

Binney smirked, a knowing smile forming on her orange-painted lips and ruffled her curly, greying hair, "Why don't you come and sit down, children? I'll fetch you some tea."

Binney led them to an extension of the living room, which was less messy than the living room but equally dusty, "Excuse the dust. I hardly ever get visitors."

Marleigh smiled, marveled at the intricate design of the walls and the cutlery. Binney poured them hot tea and placed a bowl full of white gooey porridge. Marleigh internally grimaced at the sight of the porridge bubbling over and spilling on the wooden table, but she successfully managed to keep her facial expression blank.

Kai, however, did not. He gingerly placed his cutlery down and gently pushed the bowl towards Marleigh. He took a careful sip of the tea and gulped with utmost care. After blinking a few times, he gulped down the entire glass in one go.

"Slow down there lad, it's piping hot!" laughed Binney as she put the white goo on a smaller bowl and handed it to Marleigh, "Try this, this is made from old rice and spices. You'll love it."

Marleigh, deciding not to make an enemy of the sorcerer by refusing it and timidly took a bite. Marleigh's expressions softened as she fully let the taste consume her. An explosive taste of spices burst in her tongue as the rice slowly slipped down into her throat, making imprints of its flavors along the way.

"It's good, isn't it? Why don't you try the chrysanthemum tea, too?" asked Binney, totally satisfied with how Kai and Marleigh were eating. Marleigh nudged Kai, who was gulping down his fifth cup, and motioned for him to start speaking.

Wiping his tea from his upper lips, he cleared his throat to get the attention of Binney, "Miss Binney, you know why we're here. Shall we discuss it?"

Binney sighed and got up from her seat. Marleigh watched as the old woman took a huge bound book from one of the big shelves and set it down on her lap as dust particles flew everywhere.

"Gather round, children. Before we get into it, promise me that you'll never, I mean ever divulge this information to anyone."

Marleigh and Kai looked at each other and nodded, "We won't."


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