Chapter 4: A viper's greed knows no bounds.

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The stairs creaked below her heavy footsteps as Marleigh nervously descended down to meet the elders. She touched her hair to see if the hairpins were in place and dusted her simple cream-coloured ceremonial dress for the umpteenth time. With a million insecure thoughts running through her head, she nervously twirled her now black hair.

"Watch your step, you don't want to make any noise and give them a reason to hate you more," whispered Akila, who was walking in front of her.

Akila's gorgeous brown hair moved to the rhythm of her steps, her full length gown complimenting her height while the kirtle of her cream-coloured dress swayed as she gracefully descended the stairs.

"I doubt it. They hate me way too much that I don't think there's room for any more abhorrence." she whispered back with a soft chuckle.

Often, Marleigh envied her best friend's ability to express her true self without concocted masks or in this case, without organic dyes.

Marleigh knows it's too greedy to yearn for something she didn't deserve but on the other hand, she wonders if it truly is her fault for being born the way that she was.

Marleigh's eyes then travelled to Rima, who was serving the pitas to the elders, when Hestia, the eldest of the duo grumbled, "Oh, they're here." 

Hestia's sharp eyes and stern look gave no mercy for disappointments in the family. Her authoritative voice and her 'golden' attributes earned her deference from even the blue-blooded aristocrats.

She nimbly took a sip of her piping hot tea whilst her keen eyes assessed the young maidens in front of her.

"Oh my, Akila, you almost look like a proper lady." commented Audria, the youngest of the pair of siblings. Her vile, green eyes then travelled to Marleigh and let out a disappointed sigh, "Now for you, my dear... I do think showing a bit too much of skin is unladylike."

"That is not something new, for sure. I also heard that you've been going around \, picking fight with poor merchants." Hestia spoke up, her bluebell eyes glowing as if she was planning something. Something cunning.

Marleigh trembled under Hestia's sharp gaze and lowered her eyes to the wooden floor. Audria's booming voice rang out through the silent room,"Do you know what kind of a shame this brings to our family? We were kind enough to let you in and this is how you tarnish the name of Vohras?" 

Marleigh looked at Audria, trying to supress her anger and whispered calmy while biting the inside of her cheeks to not let the emotions get better of her, "Grandma, this is a misunderstanding. He was the one who tried to-"

"No excuses! Need I remind you again about how important reputation is to us?" Asked Hestia, calmly sipping the tea and her lips smirking, as if she was ready to deliver the final blow.

"Oh but sister, how would she know? She is but not of our blood," said Audria glancing at Marleigh, "I feel like we have failed to teach her that. Rima should have done a better job."

Marleigh clenched her fists and held her head down to calm herself. Her head throbbed from Audria's piercing words, her veins popping in anger from her frail porcelain wrists. She always hated being called an outsider and Audria knew that. She knew that too well. Being reminded of what she was not was one of her biggest insecurities.


Her voice echoed in her mind like a mantra. More than the anger she felt, it was the lonely feeling that bloomed in Marleigh's chest. She suddenly felt nauseous and her heart quopped, the pain all too familiar. She withheld her tears and spoke, "No, I...I do know I should not have done that as a part of the Vohras."

"Good," said Hestia, setting down her cup. She brushed her greying hairs which had fallen out of place and stood up from the worn out diwan, pulling out a scroll from her satchel, "But I did not come here to hear your apology or test your knowledge on the clan rules. You ought to learn your lesson and this should help.

"You do know what will happen if you don't act upon it, don't you?" Audria joined her sibling, a smile slowly creeping on her wrinkled face like a poison ivy on dry skin. Irritating. "You and your... little family will be kicked out of the clan."

Rima, sensing the tension brewing in the air, stepped forward and shielded her sisters, "Forgive me. It's my fault that things have come this far. I'll accept this on behalf of Lee."

"No, Rima, no. No matter what that clan requires, I'll do it. It is after all, my mistake and I need to take responsibility for it." Marleigh shook her head and spoke, placing a comforting hand on Rima's shoulder. 

Marleigh stepped forward and took the scroll from Hestia. With trembling hands and a never-calming heart, she opened the letter and read the contents of it, "I just need to serve as a handmaiden to Marchioness Jubal for the duration of the summer ball right? I will do it."

It might have seen like a simple task but everyone in the room knew what it meant. The Vohras were prideful people who were considered as one of the important family in the Kingdom though they didn't have a set title like the other nobles. Asking someone from the clan to serve as a low class servant is a huge insult to the individual. 

The older sisters had a pleasing smile on their faces, their eyes glistening with victory. Marleigh sighed and smiled at the Vohra sisters, trying to tell them everything's fine. They, in return, smiled weakly.

"I expect you to be in your best behaviour," spoke Hestia, a knowing smile playing on her thin lips, "But, beware. If you pull one of your tricks or taint the family name again, you will be kicked out of the clan."

Marleigh nodded and bowed, "I assure you, it won't happen."

The elders, satisfied with the answer, settled back in their seats, "We shall see about that. Now scram, we have much to prepare."

Marleigh nodded and dragged Akila upstairs. They reached their bedroom and Akila closed the door not before yelling, "Have you finally lost your mind from all the sugar intake?"

Marleigh quietly laughed and proceeded to pack her travel bag. She, though afraid of what the future might hold, was happy that she got a chance to prove her worth to the clan. She stared at the Vohra portrait and vowed to help them reunite, no matter what.

"I am completely sane, Akila. Please don't worry." reassured Marleigh, though she wasn't sure of herself. But the one thing she knew of was that the clan was planning something. Something big. 

She wondered if there was any specific reason the clan elders are cornering her or why they don't want her during the ceremony of the souls. It was a grand event held every three years once and each and every Vohra had to present to give thanks to the ancestors. 

"You say that, but I'm too scared for you Lee," Akila said hugging her friend, "I know the other members of the clan should not interfere with the decisions but promise me one thing. Promise me you will return safely. I can sense some danger brewing and I cannot help but worry if this is the start of something big."

Marleigh hugged her friend tighter, her heart and mind, both haywire, with millions of 'what ifs' in them, "I promise. But, you have to do me a favour."

Breaking free from the hug, Akila looked at her best friend perplexed, "Anything, but what exactly?"

"Be safe for me, will you? We have to keep watch until the end of summer and know what they are planning."


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