Chapter 13: Who you are

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Marleigh and Kai sat face to face with the chief of the Eidikos, their hands sweaty from the glares they were receiving from the women surrounding them. Alina was standing beside her grandmother, a solemn expression on her face. The chief, however, had a pleasing smile and swung back and forth, giggling like a four-year-old child.

The room they sat in did not have any chairs, but a soft straw mat on the damp soil. The walls were painted in orange with stick figures of men and women fishing and farming. Directly behind the chief, there was a unique drawing of a little girl with a magnificent yellow orb in her hands. Marleigh curiously stared at the painting, not realizing the ten pairs of eyes staring down at her.

"It is rude to stare without permission," the chief said, smiling with her eyes closed. Taken aback, Marleigh tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at the straw mat she was sitting on.

"It is also rude to not stare at the person whom you are conversing with," the chief said again, this time, a slight giggle escaping from her lips. 

"I-I am sorry," said Marleigh, trying not to sound too embarrassed but ended up stuttering. Alina chuckled, but quickly regained her composure. The village chief, however, did not stop her giggles.

"You remind me of someone I used to know," the old lady said with a happy sigh. She then took an old scroll from a small shelf that was placed beside her and handed it to Marleigh. Confused and intrigued, Marleigh took the scroll from the lady.

"This scroll contains all you need to know about your ancestors and your duty as the Augur," she said, her voice turning serious, "I know this might be overwhelming but this is your responsibility. You were born for this."

Perplexed, Marleigh just stared at the scroll. A thousand thoughts raced through her mind but she wasn't sure if she could ask the chief about that. Still, she gathered her courage and asked the question that had been weighing on her mind for the past twenty-one years of her life.

"Why me?" Marleigh asked, looking at the elder, "Why was it me? I-Is it something I did in my past life or was it my late parents who asked this for me? Please tell me,"

The chief shook her head, "It was not your parents. It is just how it's supposed to be. How it has always been."

Marleigh bit her lips and stood up, "I-I am sorry. I can't do this."

Kai stood up, blocking Marleigh's way. He had a sad expression on his face, like his whole world was broken and was begging her to help him fix it. With a slight crack in his voice, Kai asked Mareleigh, "W-Where are you going?"

But Marleigh did not take notice of Kai's expression and feelings. Her head throbbed from all the responsibilities the others say she should do and her heart felt heavy.

"Do I have to inform you of everything I do? Just who are you to care so much about me?" shouted Marleigh, bursting in anger. Her voice cut through the silence of the room and with tears threatening to spill any minute, she ran outside. 

She sprinted through the village and into the Maegeic woodlands where a never-ending loop of trees and wildlife awaited her. She rushed through the thick, wild grass and straight into an animal trap. Marleigh tumbled through the steep of the hill and rolled down, finally landing on a pile of mud.  

The linen cloth which Marleigh used to wrap around her wounded shoulders came undone and blood seeped out from it. She also noticed a small piece of twig poking out of her abrasion and tried plucking it out.

"Ouch, it hurts more than it's supposed to," muttered Marleigh, still trying to remove the small wooden piece. After much struggle and pain, the twig fell on the ground and Marleigh let out a painful groan.

She rummaged her little pouch that she wore above her borrowed warrior clothes and took out a little handkerchief. Marleigh then proceeded to tie it around her left shoulder as much as she could but to no avail. Tears started trickling down her cheeks, onto the muddy soil and she clenched her fists in frustration.

"W-Why? Why me?! Why do I have to go through this?" cried Marleigh, her tears continuing to spill, "I did not want any of these. So why is it me?"

The bush behind her started to rustle and a thick mop of blond hair emerged from it, "It's because of your karma, Augur."

Startled, Marleigh quickly wiped her tears and faced Alina, "What are you doing here?"

She just smiled and took a small wooden cup filled with green paste, "Chief was worried about you, so she sent me."

Alina took the handkerchief from Marleigh's hands and wiped the paste all over it. She then proceeded to apply it all over Marleigh's wounds and bandaged it perfectly, "There you go. Much better."

Marleigh muttered thanks and went silent, with only the sound of the chirping crickets and the rustling of leaves filling the absence of noise. Alina turned to Marleigh and placed her hand on Marleigh's forearms.

"You know, I never really wanted to be an Eidiko," Alina started, looking at Marleigh for a sign that she's listening. When Marleigh nodded, Alina continued, "I was not able to activate my powers until I was eighteen. I had given up all hope and decided to lead a normal life and be a physician."

Marleigh's interest piqued and she turned to face Alina. Her companion smiled, "I thought I could live without them, Marleigh. I wanted to. But, fate had other plans and here I am. But I never gave up my passion, as you can see."

Marleigh squeezed Alina's hands and gave her a warm smile, "I feel that this suits you more than just being a physician or a warrior. You seem happy."

Alina got up from the mud and dusted her pants, "So what I'm trying to say is, no matter what fate chose for you, you can be yourself there too. Don't question it but also, don't ignore what you want to do. You will have the freedom to be who you want to be."

Alina grabbed Marleigh's hand and lifted her from the ground, "Remember, don't lose sight of who you are when you are in search of who you are meant to be."

With a small smile playing on her lips, Marleigh hugged Alina, "Thank you. I needed to hear that."


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