Future Plans?

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Vaishnavi went from there living him alone.

Siddharth was now recalling the moments he spent with Ashu and Avneet. He recalled how cutely Ashu was having his icecream, his cute grin and his cute smile who can melt anyone's heart.

He then remembered how Avneet was admiring them both. Her features, how beautiful she looked in very simple looks, she was effortlessly beautiful, her chocolate brown eyes, her black thick eyelashes, her button nose, her plump soft chewable lips, ''ugghh no Siddharth don't go there'', he said to himself and lightly hit his head smiling indicating himself that she is married and divorced.

The screams of his friends brought him out from his thoughts. He turned back to face them and they all were almost passed out from the alcohol. He mentally face palmed and somehow he and Abhi took them to the car and dropped them to their respective houses.

In the car with Siddharth and Abhishek;

Abhi was driving the car and Siddharth was looking out from the passenger seat looking lost in thoughts.

''What happened Siddharth, you seem stressed?''

''Nothing like that Dada, just work stress.'' He genuinely said cause he was stressed with his clinic works.

''Ohh''. He said getting satisfied with his answer.

Sid didn't say anything. There was silence between them for few minutes, a comfortable one.

''What you have thought of future Siddharth?'' He asked breaking the silence, he eagerly wanted to know Siddharth's plans.

''Nothing planned Dada, my clinic is going well and I'm paying regular visits to NGO. Life is going smooth.'' He said as if he is missing something.

''Is that enough for you, I mean are you happy?'' Abhi asked him.

''Dada, I think I've done everything I wanted to do, I'm happy!'' He said with a smile.

''And what about future plans?''

''I didn't get you?'' He said tilting his head to face Abhi.

''You are 27 Siddharth!'' He said with a little raised voice, rolling his eyes.

''So what?'' He asked with little understanding.

''Don't you want to marry and have kids and settle in life?'' He spoke out.

''Dada I haven't thought of these and I don't want to think too!'' He replied getting annoyed.

''Siddharth I think you are old enough that you can have responsibilities and I think you are quite well in your career too, see I have no problem if you don't want to marry this soon but just think that it will be easy for you to live your life.''

''You are right Dada.''

''I know I'm always right!'' He said proudly chuckling making Siddharth roll his eyes.

After that, the drive was silent, they reached home and slept in respective rooms after doing their chores.

Next day as usual Siddharth went to his office, his eyes were reddened due to lack of sleep.

He checked some patients and sorted out the files with severe symptoms, he then went to the multispeciality  hospital where he used to pay visits to check some patients.

He came out from a ward when he saw a lady rushing to the doctor with a young boy in her hands. Blood was flowing via her hands, the boy's head was badly bleeding.

The doctor took the boy in Operation Theatre. Siddharth rushed to the lady who was literally begging the nurse to save the boy.

The nurse made the women sit on the bench outside the OT. She went away to do her work. Siddharth saw the whole scenario.

He went near the lady, she was badly crying cursing herself under her breath. Her head buried in her palms. She looked  old, nearly in her 70s. Her outfit was drenched in blood.

Sid went near her and sat beside her.

He had wore his stethoscope around his neck with blue formal shirt tugged in with a pair of black jeans and white rubber gloves in his hands.

The lady panicked seeing him, she started chatting " Please save my boy, please save my boy''. She broke out crying.

Siddharth felt pity on her, he quickly wrapped his hands around her shoulder, his one hand rubbing her back lightly, consoling her. She hug his torso, calming down.

Finally after 5 minutes she stopped.

''Feeling okay?'' He asked her calmly.

''yes'' she managed to say between her sobs.

''See we will try our best, you have to be strong right?''


''Have you filled the forms for formalities?''

''Yes, they took my thumb, but my family isn't there, I work as a sweeper in a company, I wouldn't have come here but this was the nearest hospital, my grandson was already bleeding, I don't have money for this operation, but I don't want to loose him!'' She said in a flow panicking and eventually broke down on his shoulder.

He was understanding her situation. He let her cry and then parted the hug.

''Its okay that you don't have money, I'll pay for the operation, is it okay now?'' He asked giving her an assuring smile.

''No no, my son you don't have to do this much for me, the cost of operation is 5 lakhs, I can never in my life return such huge sum back to you!''

''What kind of things are you saying, on one hand you are calling me son and one hand denying for money, I'll help you out with this, happy?''

Her eyes again filled with happy tears.

''Thank you so much my son, may you live hundreds of lives'' She said keeping her right hand on his head.

He kissed her hand softly.

He quickly drove to his bank withdrawing half of the money and payed on the counter of the hospital. He signed on the forms and the doctors took the boy for further surgeries.


Date : 2 May 2021

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