♡Chapter 43♡

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Siddharth's PoV :

I was working in my cabin when I got call from an unknown number. I quickly picked it up because I don't have everyone's number saved, maybe anyone wants help.

I picked the call only to hear muffle voices of a lady.

'What happened?' I asked her trying to make her speak but she wasn't speaking a word.

'Tell your name!' I commanded but she didn't answer.

I was about to end the call when she spoke.

'Hello Siddharth!' she said in low voice.

'Yes speaking.'

'I'm Anna, I live with Ashu.'

'Yes I know you, what happened?' I asked worried. My curiousity was on peak hearing Ashu's name.

'Siddharth, I'm right now in Ashu's school, you also come fast, can't explain on phone.'

She said and end the call without letting me speak anything. I became tensed now.

I quickly removed the stethoscope I had around my neck and took my car keys. I sat in the car and drove to Ashu's school using maps. My heartbeat increasing and my mind filling with wierd thoughts the whole time.

I went inside the school gate and saw some teachers circling around a table.

I quickly went towards the table and saw unconscious Ashu with his hand hanging down the desk.

I immediately sat on a chair pulling him on my laps.

I opened his eyes with my fingers to check him.

Then I saw at his knee, it had some bruises.

'What had happened?' I asked looking at the teachers.

No one opened their mouths. A peon came from behind.

'Sir, all his classmates and this kid were playing Hide and Seek near the pipes. After the period everyone came back to class but he wasn't seen. And when I was locking the school gates, I found him unconscious inside a big pipe. Then I brought him here.'

He said this and I gulped my saliva. I took the water on the table and sprinkled some drops on his face. He opened his eyes slightly.

He smiled a little for a millisecond and I kissed his forehead.

'Where is Avneet?' I asked looking at Anna she said nodding her head negatively.

'Did you message her?' I asked.

'I messaged but she isn't replying.' she bend her head down negatively.

'Was there any important meeting?'

'I guess no.'

'Okay.' I replied. She must be busy with some work, she handles a very huge company after all.

I took Ashu and Anna with me in my car. I drove off to the hospital I work in.

I made him lay on the bed and removed his shocks and shoes and found that his thumb was swollen, his legs had swollen.

I checked his other feet and found the same.

I then pressed his knee lightly, he winced in pain.

I did some necessary tests and did his X-ray.

I sent the samples in lab, till that time, I tried calling Avneet.

Anna was right, she isn't recieving any calls.
Is she in any trouble? I thought.

Afterwards I got busy with my appointments.


Date : 27 May 2021

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And see this, trending on #4

And see this, trending on #4

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Can't thank enough! 😭🥺♥️

See you in the next chapter.

Till then


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