♡Chapter 71♡

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See the drawing above, it is made by me, if you want to see more such artworks, you can follow me on @sidshekdestiny_ on Instagram!


Seven days passed, the interaction between Siddharth and Avneet didn't improve. Ritika called them a few times and told them how skillfully she executed her plan.

Ashu was the happiest cause Avneet was with him all the time. Siddharth too used to come early. They were like a family, but note that 'like' a family. Siddharth used to be busy with his works, he didn't talked with Avneet much because she needed space and some time to move on.

Avneet too was quite relaxed as all the things were getting on its right place, only one thing which was annoying her was Rinushka's unwanted advices, Riyaz was constantly telling her that Manjul was her past, she should move on, new beginning has to be introduced, but she didn't listen, she was too firm minded to listen to them.

Every night she used to stand in the balcony feeling the cold breeze of the sea waves, it used to calm her stressed mind. She was working from home and managing her company through Zoom calls.

Everything was fine until Ashu got the Gout Attack again in Siddharth's absence. She very nicely handled the situation. Ashu was continuously murmuring Siddharth's name.

In these seven days, just because Avneet wasn't that active on talking front, SidAshu bonded even more, the way Ashu called Siddharth 'papa' always used to make her smile, but she didn't wanted him to say that to him.

Siddharth tried his best to talk with her, but ended up making her feel uncomfortable. He knew she needed time but he couldn't see her suffering.

Today when she was standing in the balcony, she was standing there with neutral expressions, she already made Ashu sleep. Her room door open, she heard some footsteps approaching.

'Hey' she heard and immediately recognised the voice.

She smiled at him weakly and turned her back again towards the waves.

'Take this' he said forwarding an envelope.

'What is this?' She asked taking it in her hand.

'Open and find out yourself' he said shrugging.

She opened the white decorative envelope which had golden intricate patterned border and drew out the white card in it.

She read it and her eyes popped out of their sockets.

'This can't be true!' She said to him softly as she neared him.

'This is true and you are cordially invited to my Engagement Ceremony' Siddharth said plainly smiling.

'But how can you?' She asked getting annoyed.

'How means Means?? Means am I not a human? I also have dreams, so I'm doing that's it!' he shrugged and said.

'Is this the same Garima?' She asked furrowing her brows.

'Umm yes, why?' He asked.

'I knew it, she always had her bloody eyes on you, I knew it, you know she is a bitch, I saw her with some random man at the mall few days back............' and she kept on ranting.

Siddharth was just looking at her with 'Aww' face, she looked cute when she is jealous he thought, 'but jealous??how? And why?'' He thought and smirked.


Date : 8 July 2021

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