He is Hurt

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He was hurt by her words, he didn't expect her to say these things, he never thought she would critisize him this way, she had become his crush, he thought she is perfect, but now he was little broken.

He left from there without uttering a word.

He sat in his car and drove to his clinic.

Here with Avneet, she too realised afterwards that she got a little rude. She was cursing herself under her breath for behaving in such rude manner.

Siddharth went to his clinic and found it close, then he remembered that it's Sunday. But then he thought what if people got emergency, so there should be a watchman here, but the watchman was also not there. He dialled the watchman's number and scolded him on the phone itself, he ordered him to come as soon as possible.

He waited there till he arrived. He was all fire by now, he scolded the watchman for not doing his duty properly, he even cut his salary for one day.

The watchman felt very guilty. He was a watchman of day shift, he didn't get any moment to spend with his family, so he didn't come to the clinic thinking that it's Sunday, but he forgot that even if its Sunday he has to work that too with a little salary which only brings him two times food for him and his family and two pairs of cloths for his children.

Siddharth after finishing, got a little calm. He then saw at the watchman's face, he felt guilty too. He apologised for his words and also for disrespecting him, the watchman was older than him, he understood his circumstances and hug him calming down. The watchman too felt alive after this. Siddharth smiled at him and the watchman too smiled.  The watchman got back to his duty.

Siddharth saw in the direction of medical shop which was beside his clinic, he spotted a person who was smoking in the medical shop.

His anger again raised, his hands curled into fist and he made his way to the person, he snatched the cigar from the man's hand and dumped it in dustbin after crushing it under his shoe.

"Dont you know it's prohibited to smoke near a clinic?"
He asked with an intense piercing gaze, it seemed that he will kill the man with his eyes today.

''I'm sorry'' were the only words which came out of the man's mouth cause he was very familiar with Siddharth's behaviour.

''Who are you, tell me quickly!'' he asked with the same gaze.

''Sir he brought the medicine box, he is driver of the container's.'' The chemist said with scared face.

''fine, but I shouldn't see you smoking around this area again, if I found it then it will the very difficult for you!'' Siddharth said dangerously gritting his teeth.

''Sorry sir!'' he again said and got back into his truck tempo and drove off.

Here Siddharth ran a frustrated hand through his hair and made his way to the car.

He got a call on his mobile.
He declined it rolling his eyes, he was still hurt.

He sat back into his car and drove to his favourite place, the icecream shop!


Date : 9 May 2021

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