♡Chapter 51♡

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It was 8 when she woke up from her beauty sleep. She felt her mouth gross, so she first brushed her mouth.

She then made Anna sit beside Ashu and herself went to Dr. Mishra. She was the lady doctor there, Siddharth's collegue.

She examined Avneet and found from the reports that it was case of mere acidity.

Since she never had acidity before, this was her first time, also she had been really weak. She gave her multivitamins and Avneet bid bye to her going back to her room, once she was finished collecting her medicines from the medical.

Dr. Mishra was really sweet she thought, she very professionally handled her. Siddharth had already told her that Avneet was going to come.

She then saw Anna, who was standing in the balcony. She kept her prescription and medicines on the nightstand and went to her.

'What happened?' she asked keeping her hand on Anna's shoulder.

'Ashu' she said and hid her crying face in her scarf. She said only one word but Avneet got everything what was there in her mind, a word expressed so many things, Anna's condition as miserable, she was broken seeing Ashu's condition.

Avneet didn't talked to her, cause she knew she would end up crying, cause she was like her second mother.

Avneet saw at Ashu, he had already had his dinner, he was now playing video games.

Avneet bow her head and lift it immediately, she took a deep breath and extended her arms.

Anna saw her through her teary eyes. Her forehead muscles relaxed and she immediately got into her embrace, tears started flooding through Avneet's eyes too, seeing her child like this, she couldn't do anything for her child.

After 5 minutes of comforting, Avneet left her and wiped her tears.

'He will get fine, be positive' she knew now Ashu can't walk, but atleast she could keep hopes, cause keeping hopes is good for us, it's better than doing nothing and just assuming things.

After Anna left, Avneet looked at the sky, it was lighted brightly tonight, the stars were twinkling and the moon was shining bright.

'Why you left me?' she said with a pout pointing towards a star.

Suddenly she felt two hands on her shoulder.

She looked back to find a smiling Riyaz. Her lips instantly twitched into a bright smile seeing him here. He was her bestfriend since college but in these 3-4 days, she got attracted towards him.

She smiled at him brightly.

'Who left you?' he asked pitching her cheeks.

'Mumma-papa' she said almost sobbing.

'Hey, tears don't look good on you!' he said wiping a lone tear which escaped her eye.

She hug him, burrying her head in his jacket. He wrapped his hands around her.

They stayed in the position for few minutes, when Avneet felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around without breaking the hug, and got shocked.

'Heyyo!' the women said opening her arms and Avneet hug her, jumping side to side.

'Anushkaaaa!' she said breaking the hug.

'Avneeeeet' she said and they broke out laughing.

'Missed you yaar' Avneet said and hug her once again.

'Aww' she said kissing her cheeks.

'Where were you these many days' Avneet asked coming to her room and making her sit on the couch.

'London, you know, I was so busy in the business and all' she Said making Avneet sit beside her.

'You two besties forgot my presence when you met each other, very bad, I'm not talking to you now!' he said folding his hands near his chest and grumpily turning his face away.

'As if we care.' they both said together and laughed at their synchronised act.

And they talked non stop for an hour, while Riyaz got some calls, he was busy there.


Date : 3 June 2021

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