Chapter 25

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Staring at myself in the mirror I barely recognised myself. Bee was under strict orders from myself that everything about me needed to represent red, the opposite of my fathers signature colour.

White and red, the perfect contrast.

My long blonde hair had been dyed bright red, it would wash out by the morning but the statement was bold. My lips and nails matched. A long and tight fitted red dress complimented my figure.

'My favourite one yet Bee!' I looked over his way where sadness dawned over his face.

'It's been amazing to be your stylist Alia. Use that passion and fire in the games.' Holding me by the shoulders he managed to compose himself and take a deep breath.

'She's gonna be like a little warrior.' The voice that I'd missed tremendously chirped in.

'Ava!' Giving the motherly woman a humongous hug and refusing to let go, she placed soft kisses on the top of my forehead.

'Are you okay? I missed you so much.'

'Yes everything is fine. The house is boring without you there though, but you'll be home soon.' She reassured with a heart full of hope.

Before we could divulge in anymore conversation a Capitol worker ushered me away, helping me onto my carriage ready for the parade.

A huge red rose was the shape of my transport, it was by far the grandest and most unique there had ever been. I stood on the object with pride, standing tall.

Finnick and Haymitch were stood front row and they cheered the loudest when my carriage swept past. Ava would of been there to watch if she could but workers weren't permitted, she'd be watching on the camera though and I'm sure she'd be clapping for me.

The two dark horses that led me to the front of the tributes beneath my Fathers podium came to a halt with one pull of the reigns. Letting them fall to the ground I took out my first weapon of the games.

My red nails dug deep into the hidden pocket of my dress, with all eyes on myself I pulled out a dozen white roses, identical to the one that lay in my fathers coat pocket for all to see. With all the force I could muster up I threw the roses into the air where they instantly set fire.

My eyes stayed focused on President Snows. He was less then impressed with the performance. It was a clear act of defiance, to burn his symbol. The crowd were living for the statement as they erupted into a loud shout of appraisal.

Snows brow raised and I did the same, completely mirroring his body language. Like father, like daughter.

'Welcome, Welcome to the Tributes! We welcome you to the Capitol with open arms and open hearts. Your bravery, your ambition and your sacrifice is honourable. We all admire the courage it took to get you all here today. Good luck to each one of you, let's put on a great show. Happy hunger games!'

The same speech he spilled each year was repeated, it was amazing how no one seemed to get bored of hearing it. Every so often Snows eyes would drift to another tribute but they'd always find their way back to me. I made him nervous with the act. No one had seen it coming.

Completely unpredictable. And that's how I needed to stay.

Looking around I noticed all the other tributes, they had big smiles on their faces beaming with adrenaline. Except for one young boy, Aidan I think his name was. He was only about 12 and since setting foot in the training centre I don't think I had seen him crack even a smirk once.

My heart hung with pain as I remembered Callissa, this boy was so similar to her. Even in his features, blonde curly hair and fair skin. Not playing into the Capitols hands by putting on a performance for sponsors.

'And all tributes, I know my daughter is in the games this year however that makes no exception. She is the ultimate sacrifice to ensure panem stays fair.' A big toothy grin resided on the mans face.

He had just signed my death.

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