The Time For Crime

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Luke pov

It was a normal foggy night in Australia. So I decided to take a walk down the empty, almost deserted road. Since last month these voices have been running though my head since. They tell me to always choke someone. To kill. I walk down a road to a lady around 25 years old walk on the sidewalk across from me. Nonono please don't, go away.

Luke do it!! Nows your chance. You got this. Im here for you its the only way!! Have I ever been wrong?! No. Now do it Luke!! Choke her!! This is your only shot.

I shake my head but its like my legs are working on their own. By the time I know it im standing in front of the lady. She looks up at me while shes pushing the stroller, maybe her baby.

"Um, hello. Can I help you sir?" she asks looking at me. I just nod.

"Why did you do it?" I ask and she gives me a confused look.

"Sir, I dont know you its dark maybe you have the wrong person-" I cut her off and wrap my hands around her neck pushing her into the alleyway of a grocery store.

She tries hitting me but it doesnt affect me at all. I feel a smile creep onto my face as I choke her harder. Her face turns red as the baby starts crying. I look at her tears forming.

"Why did you do it? Why did you kill him" I whisper as she stops moving. I sigh and let go of her, her body falling onto the floor lifeless. I walk to the stroller and shake my head.

Do it luke. Kill the baby its going to die anyways so just help it. PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY LUKE!!

I shake my head and pull out a cigarette lighting it as I put it in my mouth. I leave the stroller and walk away from what just happened.












Ashton pov

I pull up into my driveway after leaving the bar. Thank god my girlfriend is awake. I walk in and hear..moaning? I rush into the bedroom and see this guy on top of her. Im beyond pissed and this image comes into my head.

"Ashton honey please go play outside" my mother whispers, her voice cracking. She fakes a smile as the guy behind her is on top of her in the bed. She nods for me to hurry and I rush outside and my dog jumps on me. I dont know who that guy is but he locked all the doors and after I heard my mother screaming. I banged on the doors and started crying.

By the time the image went away I was screaming and punching the guy even though he isnt moving. I shake my head still punching him.


"Yes my boyfriend is yelling some name and something I-I dont know please hurry hes beating up a now dead body" I hear my girlfriend, Katie cry into her phone. I keep punching the guy shaking my head as more tears fall.












Calum pov

Its not an addiction, I just love fire. Its pretty. I love it so much I can end up burning myself. Or others. I look at a church and at my matches.

Make the church not so holy it. She should want you to.

I smile walking in and light the match and light the church curtains on fire. I walk out and hear screaming behind me. When I take a quick look behind me the whole building on fire. Fire is the only thing that calms me from him.

You did did good.












Michael pov

I sit on a bench at the park and my mum looks at me. Shes always with me its amazing because before my 14th birthday she wouldnt go near me, but now shes so attatched. Ive done bad things but she said they were good and it helps someone. She looks at me as I look at the empty slides and swings.

"Son?" she whispers and looks at me

"yeah mum?" i ask and look at her

"theyre coming for us..what if they take you away again" I shake my head tears forming

"I wont let them take me away..." I look down, I think she frowns

"you committed crimes son, even though they were good things" I sigh and look at her.

"Am I insane..?" I ask frowning

"Not at all, everyone else is I know that for sure" I nod and smile.











Okay so this is my first fanfic I hope this is good because Im really trying to make this a good book aha. Update soon. Bye!!

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