What The What?

21 1 0

Luke pov

Its been two days since the boys and I have been in this cell. At least tomorrow was court day, but I still dont see the reason for this. Nobody has even talked to us on whats going to happen today. Are we even going to court tomorrow?

"This sucks ass" Ash mumbles, tapping his fingers against his legs
"Yeah but at least Calum and Michael are visiting the girls" he nods and the two boys walk in smiling

"Why are you in normal clothes?" I ask Michael
"We can go home. Someone bailed us out" Michael exclaims as us four walk out to the counter, retrieving our phones and wallets

I inhale a deep breath, looking around the crowded room, to only meet Ashtons eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows, I shrug and he nods his head, turning his head to walk out the building. Don't get me wrong I don't like the idea of hiding this secret with the public, mostly because we haven't talked about it lately, but I hate having to hide it from my family and friends.

As the lady walks in front of us, her shoes clicking to the tile at every step she takes, she leads us into another office, but this one is more professional and settle. She points down, across the room towards Shan who is sleeping against Skylars shoulder, and Skylar on her phone. We walked their way and Skys head snaps up, squealing, she jumps into Calums arms as Shan jolts up awake and lazily hugs Michael, causing him to laugh.


On the way home it was pretty quiet, despite the wind picking up against the windows. I found myself starring out the window, thinking on what has happened the passed year or so.

I met the most beautiful person in my life, and to think, I was straight. He changed all of that, Ashton Irwin changed it. I thought to be in love was with the opposite gender, like the bible says, how my mum taught me, how she raised me. On the other hand, Ashton showed me that when it comes to love, that it doesn't matter what age difference you have because its only a number. Even the gender, its just a label society uses to divide us all.

He taught me what Love really means, what it actually means. Love is that feeling you get when you see that certain someone, those butterflies going off like fireworks. When your body tenses at the thought or mention of that certain someone. How you just want to hold that certain someone, keeping them with you, wanting to be with them til time stops, and I felt all of that towards Ashton.

A pebble is thrown from the outside of the window in the backseat, causing me to jump slightly at the sudden noise, taking me out of my trance. Ashton brings his hand, setting it on my right thigh. I move my head towards him and smile, putting my hand over his.









Skylar pov

"I missed you more" Calum whispers, I giggle and shake my head
"I missed you the most" I whisper back and Shan groans from the passenger seat, turning her direction to us

"Can it" she mumbles,"You two have been doing that since the car ride here, I just want sleep"

Both Calum and I put our hands up in the air, Shan gives us a soft smile, turning back in her seat.

I look over at Michael, who is holding Shans hand and driving with the other. I was forced to sit on Calums lap, due to the lack of space in the backseat since Luke was on the left side window, Ashton in the middle, the. Calum on the right side window, me of course on his lap.

"We're home" Michael chirps up as he pulls up into the driveway

Its crazy how I feel safe here, living in this huge house, with friends I made along the way. I didn't think I would end up where I am right now, yet, Im able to be here and be comfortable, to call this place, this life, my home.

How all of this went from crazy to cliché

"Sky.." Calum whispers shaking my shoulder slightly
"Y-Yeah?" I ask, my cheeks heating up as I realize I was starring out into space
"Everyone is inside already.." he exclaims, motioning to me still sitting on his lap
"Oh, right!" I pipe up and scurry out the backseat, getting a chuckle from him

He grabs my hand and leads us inside, only to have us bump into everyone standing stiff. I walk over next to Shan to stand in front of the four boys, looking at their expressions.

"What the what" Ashton says walking over to the backdoor, that had the blinds wide open on purpose
"YOU GUYS-" Luke cuts himself off, looking at the new redone pool in the backyard
"It was for when you boys got home, since you have been asking for a new pool" Shan rambles on, the four boys embracing us two girls in a tight hug

"We actually didn't pay for it" I break the silence, getting strange and confused looks from the boys
"I did" a voice pipes up behind us

We turn around, smiles growing on all our faces. Dr. Forman looks at us, a smile plastered on his face. He opens a soda taking a sip, us six clumsy teenagers rushing towards him, standing around the counter that was built in the middle of the kitchen.

"I noticed you guys wanted a pool" Forman says gesturing towards the backyard,"and you kids are like my children. I have enough money to pay after you anyways"

"Well what are we waiting for?" Michael says loudly as he grabs a six pack of beer out the fridge,"Lets go swimming!!" By the time Michael could blink twice everyone except Michael was out of the room, running upstairs to change, Forman deciding to come back later








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