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Michael pov

I walk in the house with Calum as Luke and Ashton are getting their bags out the trunk of the taxi. I start walking upstairs as I hear screaming and squeals. Probably the girls. God im so thankful of Dr. Forman.

"THE GUYS ARE OUR ROOMMATES?" I hear a voice loud and clear and I automatically smile
"Aye my ears" I say putting my bags down on the floor looking at Shan

She slowly turns around and smiles, I literally missed her so much I cried a little. Don't judge you would do the same if you loved someone as much as I love her

"OHMYGOD MICHAEL" She says jumping on me

I laugh and catch her holding her as I lean in kissing her

I didn't believe that 'i felt sparks fly through me and my stomachs did flips' but with Shan, I knew anything was possible
Calum pov

As Michael is kissing Shan acting lovey dovey, Darcy runs downstairs with Samantha to go see Luke and Ashton. I look over at Sky who is starring at me already

I drop my bags from my hands and walk over to her

"My god I missed you" I whisper in her ear as I wrap my arms around her waist
"I-I missed you t-too" she whispers against my chest while I hold her close
"Good.." I mumble looking at her

I tilt her head up to look at me and we lock eyes. She smiles slightly and I glance down at her lips and back to her eyes. I lean in smashing our lips to hers; She snakes her arms around my neck standing on her tippy toes since she is short.

"I have been craving that" I mumble against her lips making her giggle
"Go u-unpack" she says and I nod grabbing my bags and walk out to an empty room I randomly chose

Sucks we cant even share rooms because of the rules
Luke pov

I look up from my bags to see Darcy running to me; She wraps her small arms around me and I hug back

"Oh my god Luke I missed you" she whispers and I smile kissing the top of her head
"I missed you too baby girl" I mumble hugging her
Ashton pov

Me and Samantha pull away from the kiss and smile at each other

"Im glad you came" she says and I nod holding her close
"Im glad I did too" I kiss her cheek making her blush a deep shade of red

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