Oh Hell No

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Third pov

"Guys if we just stayed together we'll be fine" Michael says looking around
"Okay im trusting you in this.." Shan mumbles, sitting on the couch
"Maybe we can just keep the lights on and stay in a circle" Ash suggests and they all nod

They all stand up on their feet, looking at each other as a loud bang noise comes from outside, making the whole house go dark.

"GUYS?" Luke half yells half asks
"THE POWER TURNED OFF WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" Shan yells running around the room
"Lets go in the basement and look for flashlights" Michael says quietly and grabs Shans hand, leading everyone down stairs to the basement


"Found them!" Sky says, reaching for a box on the top shelf in the basement
"You're a short little girl" Calum mumbles and laughs, grabbing the box

"We are all gonna die. I've seen the movies" Shan whispers, pacing around the basement
"Calm down" Michael says, watching his girlfriend pace around like a maniac

Calum puts the box down in the middle of the room, Sky helping him turn on all the flashlights.

"Lets just tell stories in a circle to calm us down?" Ash loudly asks so everyone hears him
"Okay okay let's try that" Shan sits down between Michael and Luke

"Okay well long ago there was a girl who lived with her dad" Ash starts, everyone turning to him,"and her dad made her kill people"
"Ashton don't even fucking start with scary shit" Shan warns and he smiles
"Then her dad came across a group of teenagers he didn't like one bit" he continued as thunder roared outside

"Ash thats enough..im getting scared" Sky mumbles, gripping onto the flashlight she was holding
"So he made his daughter kill them. One by one-" Ash was cut off by a loud bang noise from upstairs, making everyone jump and Shan to scream

"Oh hell no" both Sky and Shan say at the same time and run out of the basement as fast as they can






Skylar pov

"Im fucking scared now" Shan mumbles, as she grips onto her flashlight
"Yeah" I agree as a loud knock comes from the door
"Who the fuck could that be?" She asks and I shrug, as I walk to the front door unlocking it

"Who is-oh my god" my eyes widen at five boys, soaking wet from the rain and pull them all in
"You're the neighbors!" Shan says as the five boys walk in
"Yeah. Our house kinda broke down and flooded" a boy with blonde hair says
"Well here take these" Shan says tossing them towels
"Thanks" the five boys say at the same time, as they follow us to the basement

"Who are these guys?" Michael and Calum ask, jealousy in their voice
"Calm down they're our neighbors" I say and laugh,"they are gonna stay until the storm is over"

"Alright then. Take a seat its gonna be awhile"


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