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[Im gonna end the book soon and make a new one:/ ]
Six months later
Third pov

After the meeting everyone has been either surprised, nervous or glum. The meeting changed mostly all of them in ways nobody could imagine. Michael was less happy. Luke didn't socialize. Ashton was only busy on taking medicine and getting healthy. Calum was distant with everyone. Shan was happy but sad. Darcy didnt talk to anyone. Sky stopped talking to mostly everyone except Shan. And Samantha stayed the same

Its been a week since anyone actually socialized together in the Calming Room. The room is now a dark cold place, feeling eerie throughout the whole room.

Its what happened in the meeting that changed everything
Sky pov

All of us girls walked in room 206 for the meeting they called us for. A lady in a suit was sitting at her desk and two guards standing on each side of her. We sit down and she clicks her pen getting our attention.

"We called you here for a reason" she begins and I look at her
"Because you guys have been improving very much well.." she stops for a second and types on her computer

"And I wanted to see if you guys wanted to try this new version of treatment for the asylum. An experiment." I focus on her typing
"Oh?" I say as like the other girls would say anything
"You're all being relocated"

"What?!" Shan shouts at her and the lady looks at her
"Its part of the experiment and you all have no choice"
"YOU CANT DO THIS TO US" I shout reaching towards her and a security guard holds me back

I jump up in my bed breathing fast as Shan looks over at me worried

"Another bad dream?" She asks and I nod
"Well we need to pack. we're going to live in London" I sigh and start packing slowly
Ashton pov

As im packing I start starring off into space

"Were being relocated?" Luke asks
"Yes" Is all he says and theres a silence in the room

"Have a great time experimenting" he says as we walk out the room

"Hey!!" Calum says waving his hand in front of me
"You were daydreaming again"
"Oh yeah sorry"

"Well we leave in an hour.." he says looking down at his bags packed

"You guys almost ready?" Luke asks as him and Michael peek their heads in
"Yeah" they nod and walk away

What an experiment
[so yeah this is probably the last chapter]

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