Act Normal//Taken

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Michael pov

I wake up to the sun shining on my face through the peek of the curtain. Hearing the door creek open I look over to see Shan

"You're awake finally" she says jumping on my bed
"Yeahh" I pull her close laughing
"We need to do our video chat sessions later though" she pouts and I poke her cheek making her blush

"We'll get better"
"Promise?" She asks looking up at me
"Promise." I say kissing her softly on the lips

She smiles and we sat in silence for a solid five minutes until I looked at the window and back at her

"Why dont we go out today after the sessions" She looks at me confused
"Like a date?"
"Obviously" she giggles and nods
"Okay then yeah we should"

I smile and lean in connecting our lips. Everytime we kiss I just fell harder for her. I just get the butterflies when im around her and her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her everything is beautiful masterpiece.

I pull away slowly from the kiss and look at her taking in her features. Until I realized something I never knew would happen before

Im in love with her..

Later that day
Third pov

Ashton has been hanging out with Luke more often than his own girlfriend. Samantha thinks that he has some silly crush since he would rather hang out with Luke than her. Darcy reminds her that they are both straight

"I just don't know Darcy" Samantha mumbles running her hand through her hair fustrated

"They are straight Sammy" she says looking at me just as confused as Sammy is

"They can still turn out like it" they both sigh
"What makes you think that?" Darcy asks with a nervous laugh

Almost on time the boys, Ashton and Luke burst through the front door with Ashton holding Luke bridal style. Samantha looks over at Darcy and Darcy puts her hands up in defense

"Bad timing?" She asks and Sammy facepalms as the guys giggle at something

Despite the fact that neither Darcy nor Samantha have followed any rules too caught up in figuring out what was going on with Luke and Ashton.
Sky pov

I have been video chatting with Dr. Forman for at least ten minutes already for my virtual sessions. So far we only talked about my night terrors and how to help to get them to stop.

"Okay thats enough for now yeah?" He asks and I nod
"So lets talk about the experiment" he speaks up after writing something down
"Okay.." I say

"How is it so far?" He asks and I shrug making him laugh
"Are you guys acting normal?" He adds on and I look at him
"What do you mean normal?"
"Oh just like I don't know not being violent or immature"

"Dr. Forman is anyone normal now? Isn't everyone violent now? Isn't everyone immature now? Isn't it time for me to go?"
"Yeah it is actually bye" he says hanging up

I sigh looking at the blank screen on the laptop. How can he think that we aren't normal? We made mistakes but it isn't our faults. Be normal be this be that. Why cant anyone face the fact that im not fixable?

I close the laptop and walk out the room to see Samantha and Darcy walking out with security guards holding their bags. I rush over to them and stand in front of all of them

"Ehem. Whats going on?" I ask looking at them
"These two haven't followed the rules and haven't gotten any better" a guard says walking them out into a car

"DARCY.!! SAMMY YOU CANT TAKE THEM" I shout at them and a guard holds me back
"Ill miss you!!" Darcy shouts as tears slide down her cheek

I look over at Sammy who gets in the car probably not even able to speak. The security guard closes the door and walks away and I slide down the door crying

"Ba-Sky? What's wrong?" Calum asks rushing over to me
"Th-they took D-Darcy and-" Shan rushes in the room cutting me off

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