Chapter Uno!

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Chapter Uno!!


*Kylie's POV*

Heart Attack by One Direction softly played in the local Starbucks store I call "Work".

"Hello sir! Welcome to Starbucks!" I said flashing a beaming smile to the customer who looked to be around, ehh, thirty-two.

"Hi, could I have a venti iced coffee please?"

"Sure thing! That will be $4.49 please," I said kindly collecting the money and getting started on the order as my coworker took the next gentleman in line.

"Kylie, can you please take the floor, I need to run to the little girls room," Sam, my coworker and best friend asked. I nodded and she scurried off,

"Thanks! His order is a Grande vanilla bean frap with extra caramel and whipped cream."

I finished of the iced coffee setting it on the little serving counter and calling over the man. He slipped me a five and thanked me for my fast service and I thanked him and began blending the frap.

"Vanilla Bean Frapachino with whipped cream and extra caramel," I shouted over the conversations and the guy came over and grabbed the drink. He looked as if he was about to say something to me but a boy around the age of thirteen interrupted,

"Sir, I was wondering wear you got your Aviators because I would like to buy myself a pair."

"Here," the stranger said smiling an adorably cute smile at the boy, "You can have mine. I have several pairs of those at home. Too many for only one set of eyes," he said chuckling.

"Aw really?!!! That's awesome man! Thank you so so so much!!!!"

"No problem kid!"

The boy ran off to catch up with his mom and the guy turned back to me.

"Hi, my names Louis, and I couldn't help but wonder if you would like to grab a bite to eat sometime," he said gazing into my eyes with his GORGEOUS blue-green orbs.

"Well, I don't usually go out on dates with complete strangers. Here, this is my number. Text me and I'll get to know you better and maybe I'll take up your offer of food which I happen to enjoy," I joked and gave him back his drink with my name and number written on it.

He laughed, "I see your a charmer which happens to be quite cute in my opinion. I'll see you around, Ky."

And with that, he smiled and walked away. He looked very familiar yet I couldn't put my finger on it. All I knew was I couldn't wait for five o'clock when my shift was over so that I could chat with Lou. I glanced at my watch. Just one more hour, Kyles. Sixty minutes. You could make it.

*Louis' POV*

As I walked out of Starbucks I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Kylie. She was so beautiful. Her mid-chest length blonde hair and gorgeous blue-green-grayish eyes you couldn't help but get lost in. And don't even get me started on her smile. I looked down at my cup and looked at her name and number. She even put a cute little smiley face and I couldn't help but smile again. I walked for about fifteen minutes until I arrived at my flat. I entered it to be greeted by a worried looking Harry.

"Where were you?!!! I texted you THREE times and you did NOT answer ONE of them!" I laughed and shook my head,

"Oh Hazzabear! I was at Starbucks and enjoying my peaceful summer afternoon walk! Please forgive me!"

"Oh alright. I do!!! Now come my dear Boo bear. We must skip to Liam and Niall's flat and see our fellow brothers!!"

"We shall skip!!"

And with that we skipped the few yards and walked into the house.

"I've found my Louis!!" Harry shouted and Liam shouted from the kitchen,

"Harry, he was never lost!"

"Well he would NOT answer his phone therefore he was lost," he argued as we joined our band mates in the kitchen.

"How much you wanna bet he was off meeting some chick," Zayn said wiggling his eyebrow at me.

"As I matter of fact I did meet a girl and her name is Kylie. She is very pretty and a charmer. And look, I even got her number!"

The boys cheered and told me to text her so listening, I plugged her number In my phone hoping it wasn't too early to text her.

To: Kylieee(:

Hey(: It's Louis from Starbucks. I hope you haven't already forgotten me! Now, I shall get a response from you so that we may get to know each other and become the best of friends!!!! Like Sponge Bob and Patrick ;D!!

-Lou xxx

I hope she doesn't get weirded out by me texting her so quickly. I wonder if she even knows I'm Louis Tomlinson because she didn't freak out or anything...hmm... The clock read 4:56pm. Now I must sit and wait for a response.


Hello again!!(: What did y'all think of chapter uno???! I promise it'll get better (: and hey! It's only just begun!!!! Until tomorrow my dear readers...

-Lindsay xxx

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