Chapter Three!

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And now for Chapter Three.........


*Kylie's POV*

"Kylie, Kylie, please talk to me."

"I-I-I oh my god. I'm sorry. It's just a lot to take in that I met the famous Louis Tomlinson and didn't know it!!"

"Kylie, I know I know, I guess I should've talked to you a bit more earlier but now you know and I was going to tell you, I swear. I was just about to actually but I guess you beat me to it. Listen, are you doing anything right now?"


"Well would you like to come over to my flat? I could explain everything better in person."

"Under one condition."


"I get to bring my best friend, Sam who I live with considering I don't have a car and she does."

"Deal! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I'll text you the address and you can come over as soon as you can!"

"Alright, bye."


"Sam, get the car keys. We are going to Lou's house."


"You don't seem too exciting considering you already met Louis."

"Ehh, he's your celebrity crush, not mine."


"Like I didn't know! We've been talking about this since they became a band!"

"Shut up, let's just go meet the boys!!"


**Ten minutes later**

I rung to doorbell of the huge flat and Harry Styles opened the door.

"Well hello there."

"Hi, we're here for Louis," I said.

"You must be the girl from Starbucks that Lou told us about!! Come in! Everyone is in the living room. You can follow me."

Louis talked about ME???

"Alrighty then," I responded as I followed him.

"Lou, your lady friend is here," Harry sing-songed as we walked into the room.

"Ky!! I'm sorry I didn't tell you but we had just met," Lou said hugging me.

"Louis, it's okay! At least I know now. Oh, and this is Sam my best friend."

She got a chorus of heys and hellos and she waved.

"Sit down girls!! Let's get to know y'all!" Liam smiled.

I sat next to Louis with Sam on my left and Zayn on her right.

"So tell us about yourself, Kylie," Niall urged me.

"Well, my names Kylie Bree Connors, I'm nineteen years old, I lived in Brisbane, Australia all my life and met Sam when she moved there in the eighth grade and we've been sisters ever since then and I'm closer to her than my own sister Kristen! I don't know my brother, my parents said I was adopted and they don't know my birth parents but it doesn't bother me because I love my adoptive parents as if they were my real ones. I attend London college and I have one year left until I will accept the scholarship Sydney Medical University offered me when I graduated. I'm still deciding whether to take the basketball or track scholarship but I'm leaning towards basketball because I'm tall and I've played since the third grade. I want to become an animal sergeon in an equine hospital. I HATE peanut butter sour cream, humus and mayonnaise. And that's basically it," I finished.

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