Chapter Thirteen!

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"I'll miss you," Sam said for about the seventh million time.

"Samantha June, you'll be FINE! I'll miss you too!"

"You let me know if your brother is hot or not, alright?" She whispered in my ear so that only I could hear as we all stood in the airport.

I laughed and nodded, "I will!"

She winked beforw giving me one last hug before walking towards Niall.

"Do I get a hug?" A male voice asked behind me.

I'd recognize that british boy anywhere.

"Of course, Lou!"

I turned around and wrapped my arms tightly around my best friend's neck, his around my waist.

"I'll miss you, Ky. You better Skype me at least every other night! And I expect calls and texts everyday!"

I giggled at him and nodded my head.

"Yes sir!"

He released me and we smiled at one another before he headed over to Niall.

I felt someone presence behind me and I tightly closed my eyes.

I knew who it was.

I slowly turned around to meet those brown eyes.

"Goodbye, Kyle-...Kylie," Zayn nodded.

"Bye Zayn."

We both joined the group and everyone said bye one more time before we went our seperate ways.


"Flight 204 is ready for departure. Flight 204."

Niall and I stood in line to board and I was crazy excited.

We grabbed seats in first class and began the journey to Mullingar.


"Kylie, wake up. We're here," Niall gently shook me out of my sleep.

I jumped up and we made our way to the baggage claim.

"Niall!!" I manly voice yelled.


The guy about Niall's height walked up and I could tell he looked more like our father.

"Kylie...I never thought I'd see you again," Greg said quietly.

I smiled, "So you're my older brother. Alright, I guess I can roll with this," I joked.

He chuckled, "You're definetly a Horan!!" He held his arms out and hugged me.

A woman stood a few yards away watching us and Niall and Greg seemed to pick up on it as well.

"Kylie, I'd like you to meet someone," Niall said pulling me towards the woman as Greg followed on my other side.

"Mom?" I asked.


We stood there starring at one another. It was just too hard knowing she gave up her own daughter to keep her marriage even though it ended five years later.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered before turning around and jogging towards the doors.

"Let's get y'all's luggage," Greg said awkwardly.


We went outside and followed Greg to the car.

Once our luggage was in we sat in the back seat, Greg in the front.

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