Chapter Nine!

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"I like cotton candy. I love cotton candy. Therefore, I shall marry cotton candy," Kylie said as we sat on a bench at the amusement park.

It's four fourty-five and we are sharing the pink, fluffy treat before heading back to her house.

"Are you sure you want to? I hear they are very sticky in bed," I said seriously.

"Positive. It'll melt inside me," she returned the seriousness.

"Fair enough," I sighed and we bursted out laughing.

My phone ringed and the screen read 'Hazza'.

"Hey, it's Harry, I'll be right back," I smiled and Kylie nodded and continued to eat her cotton candy.

I shook my head and laughed as I pressed accept and walked over to a trashcan.

"Harry, what's up?"

"Whats up is there are pictures of you and Kylie holding hands and laughing and y'all hugging on a rollercoaster online and on E! News. Zayn's PISSED!! Louis, you and Kylie are in deep shit. Especially you. You need to think of something to tell him to calm him down. He's outside smoking now and refuses to talk to anyone. We're going clubbing later around eight thirty hoping that he'll get drunk like usual and forget about this. You might want to prepare Kylie for this too."

"Shit. Thanks man. I'll go tell her. We'll be home in a little bit. We'll probably get some pizza and be home at least by six."

"Okay, just prepare for a angry Zayn."

"I will!"


I hung up and sighed walking back to Kylie.

"Is everything alright?" She looked worried.

"There are pictures of you and I holding hands and laughing and hugging on the rollercoaster online and on E! News and Zayn's super pissed off, smoking and refusing to talk to anyone. Harry said we're going clubbing around eight so I told him we'd eat some pizza and meet them back at home so y'all can go home and get ready."

"Oh my god. This freaking sucks! Ugh!! Hugging and holding hands doesn't mean we are dating or anything! Ugh, great."

"Yeah. When Zayn's angry, he's we've gotta be prepared."


"I'm sorry, Ky."

"It's fine, Lou. Let's go I guess."

I nodded and we walked back to the car in silence sharing the cotton candy.


We parked the car in the driveway. It was almost six. We looked at each other both nervous to see Zayn. Poor Kylie. She's never seen Zayn mad but I have. It's scary. Let's just hope that if he decides to hit anyone, he hits me and not in front of Kylie. Who knows what she'll do considering she isn't a normal, only bone girl. She's not short, she has muscles in her legs and arms...she's very strong. She defended her sister so...she won't think twice if someone she cares for get's hurt. All I know is I won't fight back if Zayn throws a punch. I would never.

We opened our doors and I walked in front of her incase Zayn happen to be close by. I opened the door and four heads turned to me. Liam, Harry, Niall, and Sam all looked at us as we walked in.

"Where is he," Kylie said seriously in more of a command yet not in a mean way.

They all pointed towards the back door to the yard.

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