Chapter Fourteen!!

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Everyone was at our place for dinner that night.

We were watching Spongebob on the couch, Liam and Sam cuddling together, Niall munching on popcorn, Zayn on one end of the couch next to Harry, then Louis, and me.

I had to talk to Zayn.



*Next day*

I galloped down the stairs and made me an egg, bacon, potato, and cheese taco.

I gulped it down, fed Sarah, and ran upstairs.

I put on some short working out shorts, an underarmer short sleeve shirt, and my Reebox running shoes.

I french braided my hair down my back and grabbed my earbuds and little iPod.

I jogged downstairs, hooked Sarah's leash on her turquoise collar and headed out the door.

I put in my earbuds and turned on the song Say You're Just a Friend by Austin Mahone and set off jogging.

I was turning a corner in town when I collided with someone.

We both fell and I grabbed my head which was now throbbing.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized.



He quickly stood up and held out his hand which I excepted.

"So, umm, hello," he awkwardly waved.

"Zayn, can we talk?"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

I nodded and we walked into the cafe across the street.

We each ordered a coffee and sat down at a table.

"So, vas happenin'?"

I sighed, "Zayn, I'm sorry for running from you like that the day after the club."

He looked down and mumbled, "It's fine."

"No. It isn't. I...I was in the room that night you were talking to Niall. I was sort of hiding under the bed..."


"I'm sorry! I didn't want to face you...but I heard everything. Was it all true?"

He shook his head and stared into space.

"Do you have any idea what I've been like, Kylie? I've been an emotional reck! When someone mentions your name, I-I go balistic! I hide away in my room all day crying and looking at our pictures over and over again and thinking of how happy I was with you!"

His face was red and his eye were filled with sadness.

"Zayn, is it true that you love me.."

He reached over and grabbed my hand rubbing circles on it with his thumb. He took a deep breath and stood up before walking outside.

"I love Kylie Bree Horan!" He screamed before walking back inside.

"There's your answer."

I smiled at him before pulling him down to my level where I sat on the chair amd crashed my lips onto his. He held my waist as and hugged him tightly, our lips moving in sync.

Hollers and whistles occured around us and we broke apart laughing.

"So Kylie."

"Yes Zayn?"

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