Chapter Six!!

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I was listening to Harry cry to me begging for me to wake up. It seemed as if that's all anyone wanted was for me to just open my eyes and be okay....But I wasn't fine. My head panged with pain and my heart felt as if it's been stabbed one too many times. A long beep sounded as if an annoying alarm but it wasn't signaling to wake up. It was signaling I was dying and fast. I felt it. Instead of blackness like I'd seen for about the past three to four hours, I saw color. Not ordinary colors though. They were like dots and ribbons drifting in space in front of me. My body was numb. I heard Harry scream,


Someone ran besides me and clicked something before doctors started running in and told Harry and whoever to get out.

I heard the same sound I had earlier. It was buzzing. To square plats were set on my chest and pushed sending shock all through my body. They kept pushing on me for about six times until I lost count. I saw something bright before it all went dark and I couldn't see, feel, or hear a thing.


She's dead. How could this happen. He finally met a wonderful girl and she dies.


My best friend is gone! Why! Why me! Why Kylie!!! Take me with you, Kyles...please.


Ky's gone. I never got to see those beautiful eyes again. Come back...please. God, I'm asking for a miracle. Please?


I just found out I had a sister and she died. Why! What did that sweet, innocent girl ever do!!


I thought she could fight it, but she couldn't. I'm sure she tried. She could've had a wonderful and successful life! Why did Kylie have to go?


It was all my fault. I killed a beautiful and sweet girl. How could I do this to her and everyone else?


Am I dead?? I had no senses. All I could do was think and see in my mind. The doctor said something like "I'm very sorry for your loss," but how could I be dead and still think??


I heard mumbling. HOLY CRAP!! I CAN HEAR AGAIN!

"Zayn, if you need anything, call. We'll come right away," Liam said.

"Thanks guys, I'll be fine. I wouldn't want to leave her alone if she really is gone for sure. It's two in the morning, I think we all should get to bed," Zayn responded saying bye to them and shutting the door.

"I wish this was all just a dream," he said kissing my lips and sitting in his chair I believe.

I heard him snoring after about ten minutes and once again, I was alone. More than before.


I waited for about three hours just laying there unable to speak, move, or see.

It was just like before with the dots and ribbons but instead it was more like a face. I was so confused and tried to think harder when my eye twitched. It kept twitching. I forced my fingers to move and they did. Arms? Yes! Legs, ankles, and toes?? YEP!! Head? Oh yeeeeaah!! After hours and hours of fighting, my eyes opened.

The lamp was on and it just about blinded me.

Zayn was crowded up in a ball in his chair sleeping. He looked so adorable!! Tears stained his face and his hair stuck up everywhere. He started talking in his sleep.

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