Chapter Five!

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(During her visit with Kylie)

I walked into the hospital room and sat in a chair next to Kylie. I held her hand and looked at her. She looked so bad. I felt horrible. And Harry thought it was his fault when he didn't even know. We probably should have mentioned it to them but we rarely ever eat seafood and just forgot and didn't think she'd encounter shellfish.

"Hey there Kyles. I'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible because I am your best friend slash sister....You look like crap," I laughed, "You know you love me!"

I sat in silence for a few minutes then sighed.

"Kylie, I know you aren't awake but if you can hear me, please, please, please wake up. I miss your loving, carefree, fun self. You aren't the same in pain and asleep. You know you gave all of us quite a scare. It was hard not knowing what was going to happen to you without the support of my best friend by my side. Zayn and I have been crying, Harry blames himself, Liam and Niall do there best at trying to comfort us, and Louis just sits on the floor lifeless, silently crying as he stares at the door scared you won't wake up. We all wish you'd just wake up already and are scared you won't. Ya know Kyles, you got yourself a great guy. He really cares for you as does Louis. You did good, Ky. Well, I better give Zayn a chance to talk to you now. I love you, Kylie. You have always been there for me and I intend to be there for you."

I bent down and hugged my best friend and kissed her head. She was like family and I couldn't manage without her.

As I walked out of the door Zayn looked at me and I nodded as he got up and went to she Kylie. Liam hugged me and tears started spilling. "Shh, Samantha, is alright. It's all gonna be okay in the end. She'll fight. I know she will. She comes across as a fighter and she won't give up and neither will we."

"I know it's just that I can't manage without her, ya know. We've been together too long to end like this. If she isn't okay I don't know what I'll do," I cried.

Harry stared at the ground and I couldn't help but walk over and hug him.

"Harry, it isn't your fault, okay? She'll be okay."

"I don't know, Sam. How would I live with myself knowing I was the reason this happened or that she never woke up!!"

"It's okay, Harry."

"No it isn't. Kylie doesn't deserve this.

At that time, the doctor walked up.

"Good news! I found out who she is and he parents and everything. This is her birth certificate and information on her."

I gasped. The certificate read the name "Kylie Bree Horan".

"What's wrong?" Liam asked as I showed him and Louis the name and their jaws dropped. Harry and Niall saw it last and Niall just stared. He suddenly turned very pale.

"Niall??" I asked.

He fell to the floor passed out.

Kylie was Niall's sister.


Niall fell to the floor passed out. No one could believe that Kylie was Niall's sister. The information sheet said her parents were Maura and Bobby Horan. Those were definitely Niall's too.

I took the birth certificate and information and walked into Kylie's room. One person in the room at the time my butt!

"Zayn, I think you should look at this. Just promise me you won't pass out like Niall did," I said.

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