Chapter 3

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(Okay so it's not frozen music but it's something you can enjoy for now. I'm running low on music ideas so just help me out here XD)

It was inside the chapel, the chorus was singing in harmony. Blaze and Amy were towards the very front. Amy noticed Sonic in the rows of people. He barely waved as he tried to deal with someone sleeping on his shoulder. Amy waved excitedly before looking back to her sister who was anxious about this moment.

Blaze however was more than nervous. She knew her emotions could get the better of her and everything could go downhill from here. When she graceful dipped her head to have the crown placed on her head, she felt as powerful as her dad once was.

She gently raised back up and looked to the bishop whose expression was solemn. That's when she was presented with a fancy pillow with the Royal Orb and a Scepter.

Casually, she reached over for the objects more than happy to hold them. But the bishop cleared his throat which caused her to look up at him.

"Your majesty, the gloves?" he whispered.

Terrified, Blaze took off the metal gloves she wore with trembling hands. Once they were off, she placed them in the middle of the pillow. Taking one last deep breath, she shakily took both items into her hands and slowly turned to face the crowd. The bishop began his monologue he was required to speak and the crowd stood up to pay respect to their new queen.

Except, as Blaze was standing there, the objects began to turn into coal, burning hot from her fire. The metal began to melt as well. Thankfully, the bishop was now finishing his sermon.

"Queen Blaze, of the Sol Empire." he declared to the crowd. Just then, Blaze frantically placed both objects back and slipped back on her gloves to continue facing the crowd with a nervous smile.

"QUEEN BLAZE OF THE SOL EMPIRE!" the crowd shouted, cheering for the new Queen.

So the festivities began! The band played the music as crowds danced. That's when their attention turned to the front of the ballroom where Blaze began to walk out to address her party. The butler came out as well to bring attention. "Queen Blaze of the Sol Empire!" he addressed. Then her reached out with his other arm to address Amy. "Princess Amy of the Sol Empire!" he said proudly.

Amy came running out excitedly while waving to the others and stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. The butler cleared her throat as he moved Amy to be closer to her sister. "A-Are you sure this is right? I-I don't think that-" she asked but the butler placed her firmly in place.

The crowd applauded before moving on with the festivities.

Not knowing how to interact with others, Amy looked to her sister unsure. "Hi." Blaze said softly, looking at her sister happily. "H-Hi me?" she asked confused. Blaze nodded her head, holding back laughs. "Oh! Um, hi!" she said back. "You look beautiful!" Blaze replied. "Aw thank you! You look beautifuller! I mean not "fuller", you don't look fuller, but more beautiful!" Amy replied awkwardly. Blaze chuckled and smiled. "Thank you." she replied.

"So! This is what a party looks like?" she asked excitedly. "It is cooler than I thought." Amy replied. "What is that amazing smell?" Blaze questioned. Both smelled the air together.

"CHOCOLATE!" they gasped before laughing together.

Amy was about to say something to her sister before someone approached them. "Your majesty, the Emperor, of the Egghead empire." the butler greeted before bowing and waving his hand dramatically. "Eggman!" the Emperor snapped. "Of Eggman Empire, your majesty! As your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as Queen." he replied. Suddenly he jumped up and began doing random movements before bowing.

When he did, his once hair fell forward while hanging on by a thread. Both had to hold back from bursting out laughing but then quickly calmed themselves.

"Thank you! Only I don't dance." Blaze replied. "Oh..." Eggman replied, somewhat disappointed. "But my sister does!" she replied, motioning to Amy. Clueless, Amy waved her hand in embarrassment before realizing what was happening. "Oh goody!" Eggman cheered before dragging Amy away. In despair, Amy looked at her sister who was giggling and waving goodbye.

That's when the Emperor began dancing all goofy and random all around Amy who stood there with a nervous smile on her face.

"Speaking of which, it's so great to have the gates open! Why'd they close them?" he asked, getting in her face as if he was accusing her of something. "U-Uh, no!" Amy replied.

"Hmmm. Ok!" he replied, dipping Amy backward. Amy looked at her sister who was smiling at all of this. Amy wrinkling her nose playfully before being brought back up. "They don't call me the Little Dipper for nothing!" he said happily. He continued comparing all his dance moves to animals, making a fool of himself in front of everyone.

Once done with that, Amy walked back over-exhausted to her sister with a smile on her face. "Haha! He was cheery!" Blaze giggled. "Especially for a man in boots!" Amy gasped as she tried to recover her footing. "You okay?" Blaze asked. "I've never been better! This is so nice! I wish it could be like this all the time..." Amy sighed happily. "Me too!" Blaze sighed. Then her expression changed to a sad one. "But... it can't." she said. "But why not?! I mean-" Amy began, reaching out for her sister who quickly pulled away.

"It just can't!" Blaze snapped. Amy backed away slightly, not wanting to upset her sister more. "I didn't mean... excuse me..." she cried, taking a deep breath before walking off. Blaze stood there by herself, keeping all the emotions she felt to herself. She looked to her sister sadly, knowing she'd have to keep this secret hidden.

Amy meanwhile walked away with tears in her eyes, wiping them away. But before she could continue, someone backs into her, making her fall back and all around the room.

Before she can fall and hit the ground, she feels someone catch her. "Heh, fancy bumping into you again!" It was Sonic. Suddenly her mood lifted seeing the dashing blue hedgehog. She smiled and the two stood up. "May I have this dance?" he asked.

"Certainly!" Amy giggled as she took his hand gratefully. Together the two danced in the ball, smiling at each other.

Throughout the night, they laughed, walked through the beautiful gardens. As they walked, Sonic bumped her playfully, Amy bumping him right back. That's when he noticed her red streak through her quills. "What's this?" he asked curiously. "Oh! I was born with it! Except... I thought I was kissed by a Dark Arm!" she replied.

"I like it!" he smiled.

Soon, the two found themselves on a balcony. Smiling at each other and talking like normal people. "Yeah! Eat the whole thing! You got it!" she cheered. Sonic chuckled as he finished off the food he was eating. "So wait, wait, you have, how many siblings?" she asked. "Six, older siblings! Most of them pretended I was invisible! Literally. For two years!" he explained exasperatedly. "That's horrible..." Amy thought. "That's what brothers do!"

"And sisters! Blaze and I were really close when we were little and then... she just shut me out and... I never knew why..." she said, sadly looking away.

Sonic reached over to comfort her, taking her hand.

"I would never shut you out."

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