Chapter 10

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The sky was officially awake. Sonic and the rest of the search party arrived at the fire crystal castle. They saw the staircase and a pile of coal at the bottom. "We are here to find Princess Amy, so be on guard. But no harm is to come to the Queen," Sonic ordered as he jumped off his horse. "Is that clear?" he asked. Everyone replied with "yes sir" except for Emperor Eggman's two soldier robots who glanced at each other briefly. They took one more step before Omega snapped up and saw the crowd.

He stood up on his feet and walked over maniacally towards the group. Sonic drew his sword as the guards surrounded Omega to take him on. More fired their weapons right at him, making Omega angrier and stronger, using his weapons to swipe at the crew. Eggman's robots collapsed first but quickly got up after glancing at Blaze who peeked out her door.

She quickly shut the doors. "The Queen!" one robot shouted as he and his companion got up. Omega swiped at a few more guards which knocked Sonic down to one side. When he finally got back to his senses, he saw the two robots running toward the castle.

Hearing the commotion, Blaze began to run back up the stairs to another room. The two robots finally broke through the door. They were about to fire but couldn't find her. "Up there!" one declared, pointing to Blaze who was running. "Let's go!" said the other and they ran up the stairs. Blaze realized she had nowhere else to run when she became trapped in her balcony room. They trapped her and pointed their weapons straight at her. "No! Please!" she begged. But the lead robot fired at her anyway and Blaze closed her eyes.

The arrow shot at her suddenly engulfed in flames before turning to ash. Blaze let out a smile breath of relief but turned her attention to the robots. "Stay away!" she pleaded.

That's when she summoned flames and fire crystals in different directions.

Meanwhile, the others were still battling Omega who still tried to skin them alive. Right before Omega could flatten Sonic, he rolled to one side and sliced his leg. Omega fell backward, heading towards an edge. "C'MON!" Sonic shouted. The others followed his lead as Omega was helpless. But as Sonic ran up the stairs, Omega broke off the stairs' railing and was plunged into the dark. Sonic dangled off the ledge of the broken stairs and threw his sword above. The others came to his rescue to ensure he got up.

The guards circled Blaze like a pair of hungry sharks, pointing their weapons at her. Blaze knew she was going to have to think fast. Before one could fire, she used her flames to pin him against the wall. Fire crystals pinned him to the wall, one shard coming right for his throat. The other, Blaze used a whole set of flames to push the other robot off her balcony. He did his best to hold back but he was moving closer and closer to the edge.

Blaze was in fury, she continued to push even as Sonic and the others arrived. He stopped the crew as they were faced with the chaos in front of them. He knew he had to act fast. "Queen Blaze! Don't be the monster, they fear you are!" he cried. Suddenly, Blaze relaxed, allowing her flames to disappear. But the pinned robot wasn't done. He aimed his weapon right at Blaze, his arrow ready to pierce her heart. Sonic saw this and ran over.

He diverted the shot to above. "NO!"

Instead, the arrow struck the fire crystal chandelier. Blaze gasped seeing it fall. She began to run away from the fall but it was too late. It came down quickly.

Blaze lost her footing and blacked out on the floor.


When Blaze woke up, she realized she was in a different room. She carefully got up, her head still spinning. She saw the window and immediately ran towards it. But something yanked her back so she turned to see what it was. The chains that also wrapped around her hands held tightly to the ground so she readjusted herself to get a better look. That's when she saw her whole kingdom... covered in ash and flame. "Oh... Blaze what did you do..." she gasped seeing it.

Suddenly the door opened up. It was Sonic who came in with a lantern. "Why did you bring me here?" Blaze demanded. "I couldn't just let them kill you." Sonic cried. "You shouldn't have brought me back! Where's Amy?" she cried. "Amy's not here yet." Sonic snapped. Blaze gasped and looked out the window worriedly. "We need you to destroy these flames. Please!" Sonic pleaded. "I don't know how..." she said.

"You have to let me go!" she begged. Sonic took a deep breath and looked up. "I'll try my best." he said. Then he walked out the door and locked it. Now Blaze was left all alone, in her cell. She looked down at her cuffs and saw they were turning a fiery red. Her powers were kicking in and there was nothing to stop them.


Now Amy and Shadow were coming to the castle at last. Amy's fever was rising and Shadow could feel it. He used a water bottle to cool her off. "Just hang in there! C'mon guys!" Shadow shouted to the others. Big caught up Shadow while Knuckles was gliding on the coal on his stomach. Suddenly he hit a rock that took him in a different direction. "Cya at the palace!" he shouted happily. "Stay out of sight echidna." Shadow ordered. "I WILL!" he reassured. But his promise was broken so quickly.

"Oh! Hello!" he said happily to a group of people. "AHHH!" "IT'S ALIVE!" they shouted.

After that, Shadow, Amy, Big arrived. The guards shouted happily that their princess had returned. Once they made it, Shadow walked carefully to the doors, Amy still draped gently in his arms. "Hang in there for me okay?" he pleaded. "W-What about you? Are you going to be okay?" Amy asked shakily. Shadow smiled warmly and continued to carry her to the doors. "Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine." he reassured, continuing to smile.

The gates opened up and a few servants walked out. "Oh, Princess Amy! You had us so worried!" one said. Two more helped to balance her out to walk. "Thank you for returning her!" another said. "No problem. But you need to take her to Prince Sonic immediately!" he told them. "We will, thank you." the guard said. "Please keep her safe!" Shadow pleaded.

They nodded and took Amy inside. Amy looked back worriedly at Shadow who waved goodbye with a smile. Both gates shut in his face. A sad expression spread across Shadow's face as he thought about Amy leaving his grasp. Big let out a small whimper losing one of his new friends. Trying to comfort him, Shadow placed a hand on his shoulder and patted him gently. But quickly after that, he walked away. His head was held down low and he was sure to walk away without looking back

But if there was one thing Big knew, these two truly loved each other deep down.

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