Rain and Blankets

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[Awase POV]

Well, this was a interesting predicament.

It had all began when Mina Ashido told everyone from Class 1-B to come over to their dorm building in celebration of midterms being over. Whilst everybody was having fun chatting with each other, playing games and downing drinks, it had begun to rain outside. At the start it was a mere drizzle, but overtime it had become a full on downpour. It was extremely unlucky for me,  who's homework I had forgot to do and was due tomorrow morning. But the most I could do was pout about it. Everyone was on the couches at the 1-A dormitory I'd figured I would join in with everyone.

I sat down at the edge of the final couch that had a seat available. All of my friends were on the opposite side of the room to make it even more difficult to enjoy what was happening. However, next to me on that couch happened the black hair Beauty of class 1-A, Momo Yaoyorozu. If you could make a wild guess by the wiki page on me, I have a crush on Yaoyorozu. I mean, who wouldn't? She's Smart, Beautiful, strong, kind-hearted, literally everything you want in a girl. But like most stereotypical 'unpopular guy has a crush on popular girl' romances, it's most likely only one way. I don't know that for sure, but by the way she looks at Todoroki, might aswell give up on it.

I pull out my phone with a quiet sigh and do whatever I can to pass the time. Jesus Christ this is boring. I've already completed every mobile game on my phone so I just aimlessly scroll down a news app looking for interesting articles. I do this for 20 minutes until I take a glance up to see everyone shivering like someone turned the AC to -200 degrees Fahrenheit.

A boy from 1-A with green hair stands up. "Everyone, in the storage room, there are some extra blankets. I believe there is enough to keep everyone warm. I'll go get them now." He went off in another direction to find the storage closet. At least we're going to have something to keep warm with. He closed his phone and put it in his pocket. Out of the corner of his eye, he could've sworn that he saw Yaoyorozu looking at him. 'Don't be an idiot, Yosetsu...' he thought to himself as he awaited the blankets.


That "I believe there us enough for everyone to keep warm" part was a fucking lie. Because it had enough to cover everybody in both classes. Apart from me, that is. I looked around the room to see if any of my friends were offering to share a blanket. However, I didn't get the message that everyone was to abort Awase. All of my friends were all sharing a blanket together and looks as if they were having a fun time chatting. They could all barely fit under it so I didn't think it would be a wise move to go over and try to squeeze in.

A let out a quiet sigh that I didn't think was audible to anyone. Key word there being think.

"Awase?" A soft and angelic voice called out to me. I could recognize that voice anywhere. Momo Yaoyorozu. It was enough to send my heart out of my body and do a flip. I looked in the direction of where she was and saw her looking at me with eyes that made me melt. "Are you cold? You don't have a blanket and you're fidgeting a bit.. are you okay?" She asked.

'Play it cool Yosetsu, I repeat, play it cool and natural.'

"I'm managing, it's not ideal, but I'm managing." I say somehow keeling a straight face. She looks at me with a slight look of concern.

"Oh, well my blanket has room for two people. You could come under it if you want..." now, in this situation. You 101% of the time say yes. But for me, the words are at the tip my tongue. Most likely because I am processing what she had just said.

"U-U-Um... Yeah o-ok...". I say. My voice is low which causes her to giggle. I slowly get closer to her, making sure I was on the edge on the blanket so she would have most of it. She noticed this action and did a soft smile. She wrapped her arm around me and pulled me close to her, both of our hips touching. "Come on Awase, you can come closer." She whispered into my ear, a soft smile on her face. I was ready for my brain to absolutely melt and my heart be loud as a bass boosted fire alarm.

Then she does the unthinkable, she puts her head on my shoulder. Causing me to go as red as a tomato. I look up to see every single one of my friends looking at me, a smirk on their face and all doing the 'sex' hand motion. I give them all the middle finger and go back to the situation at hand. Yaoyorozu is almost sleep on my shoulder. She starts to lean on me some more until My head is on the pillow behind me and she is on my chest, hands wrapped around me and her head is nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I can't help but have a dumb smile plastered along my face.

This is perfect. This is heaven. This is amazing. I wouldn't mind being like this forever. I didn't care that I was as red as a fire hydrant, I didn't care that Kosei was most likely snapping a picture of this, I didn't care if my homework was uncomplete. All I cared about was the spot I'm in as I waited for the storm to let up.

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