This is Stupid

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Awase looked out of his window. His expression was plain as he saw a myriad of couples, hand in hand walking to the dorms. He recognized a couple. Some were even from his class. He spotted Tsuburaba with Asui, Rin laughing with Tokage, hell, even a flustered Monoma was holding Kendo's hand. He decided to step away from the window overlooking everyone and took a seat on his couch to play some video games to relax. There was a reason why everybody was acting so lovey-dovey today. Because Today was February 14th. Or better known as Valentine's Day.

(Fuck Valentines day, shits overrated.)

The day never had really meant anything to him. Sure he would acknowledge it, in his younger years he would get a card or two. but as the years progressed. People had become less and less interested in him. Romantically that is. The more Awase thought about it, the more and more he began to realize. He was jealous. He would be proud of his friends for finding a relationship. But wished that one day, he would be in their shoes. He was never one to be smooth with girls. He's just a generic guy who has a dream. Love isn't really on his mind. So that's what made him more jealous. No girl would want to date a boring nice guy. He dosen't really have anything going for him. He would sometimes say to his friends that all of the girls he has met was out of his league.

He did have a crush however, if you don't know who it is, you're either hopeless or skipped right to this chapter knowing nothing at all. Anyways, she would always creep into Awase's mind sometimes but now it was happening more frequently. Everything about her left Awase either smiling like an idiot, blushing or spaced out. Her smile which sent him beaming in joy. Her laugh that was so contagious he couldn't help but laugh along, even if she wasn't insulting him. He would gladly laugh if he could hear it again. Her voice was something he could fall asleep too, she was overall beautiful. Not to mention smart and strong too. But he was Yosetsu Awase. If you were to ask anybody on the street who he was they would respond "Who?". That was him in a nutshell. Momo Yaoyorozu was a Princess. Yosetsu Awase was a nobody.

This mildly bothered Awase. He knew he wouldn't be anything to her. He saved her once but other then that, they probably wouldn't utter a word to each other. He wanted to get to know her, to get closer to his crush. Anyone would. But he could never see the correct chance to go up and talk to her. Not without a good reason.

This whole thing was stupid. So unbelievably stupid.

After seeing the dreaded you lose screen on his TV. He decided it would ultimately be better if he cleared his mind by going for a walk. It was dusk outside so he had about two hours to do so. He went to his dresser and threw on a white t-shirt, black hoodie with a black bomber jacket over it, black jean's and some white shoes. He quickly went through the hallways and swiftly exiting the dorms. The cold air slapping him like a wet mop. He didn't care though, it felt refreshing.

He found himself walking on a trial that wasn't so close from the dorms. The path was gravel with some benches and lampposts to provide light. The lamps reminded Awase of her, always so bright. He wondered how she did it. He thought of her even more then before. It was fucking idiotic. He came out here to do the opposite. It was as if she was calling his name in her soft, angelic voice...

Awase... Awase....


He turned around to see somebody who quite frankly, he didn't entirely wish to see. She was beautiful, don't get him wrong, but the timing was utter shit. "Hey Awase, what are you doing out here?" She asked. He sensed a hint of worry in her voice. He couldn't understand why however.

"I'm on a walk." He responded smoothly. He had it set in his mind that he absolutely under no circumstance was he to be embarrassed during this encounter.

"At this time? Oh well then. I'm out here alone too, do you by chance... Want to walk t-together?" She asked. Awase's mind did a full shutoff. The fuck did she just say?! This was a chance, a opportunity. All Awase had to do was accept.

"Well, uh I mean, if uh, you wanna sure"

Hey, it was good enough.

They walked side by side that whole night. They talked about Classes and internships. Awase told her that he managed to score one with a top hero while Momo told him about how her internship was practically modelling. They shared laughs and jokes that night. Awase never felt so warm. He knew the feeling that was happening inside of him. He knew exactly what it was. With Momo, He didn't mind it at all. Everything was perfect. Until Momo brought upon a topic Awase didn't particularly want to talk about.

"So... Awase. Did you have a date for today?" She asked. Turning to look at him.

"Um. No." He responded sheepishly. He thought he saw Momo smirk but he ignored it.

Is that so... Hey look at me for a second."

"Hm? what's u-"

She cut him off by grabbing the collar of his hoodie. She pulled him close. Their lips pressed against one another. To Awase, it was heavenly. Her lips were as soft as pillows and as warm as sitting next to a cozy fireplace. He could feel himself getting addicted to her lips.

"Happy Valentines day Awase." She winked at him and walked off.

Yoooooo guess who's back bitch! Yeah I'm inconsistent with updating but eventually they do come out.

As always

Adonis El Dorino

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