1 room, 1 bed, 2 lovers

206 9 17

The bus came to a stop. The breaks audible as it parked in front of the building.  It was late into the night so the moon was out casting over the city. Yosetsu Awase stepped out on the bus. Looking up at the building they would be staying in for the next 2 days. UA had prepared a short training camp for the weekend just off the north side of Japan. The building was a typical hotel. He was skeptical because everyone knew how the last training camp went. An bigger train-wreck then Boris Johnson trying to contain the pandemic. Anyways, he followed his teacher into the building and they checked in.

Vlad King stood in front of everybody and made an announcement. "Everyone! There is a poster on that wall over there. It will say your name and the person you will be sharing a room with. Keep in mind they are all randomized. If you need anything, me and Aizawa will be in room 1-1. That is all." Everyone rushed over to see who they were partnered with. Awase however took his sweet time. When he got over there though, all of his friends were snickering. He raised an eyebrow to their behaviour.

Kosei was the first to speak up. "Hey Awase, you pack any condoms?" He asked. Awase now being more confused. But this is when everybody started to get in on the act.

"Make sure to set the mood!"

"Don't pull a Drake and get her pregnant!"  Now I was going to absolutely mirk somebody. I groaned and looked at the poster. I couldn't seem to find my name. Surely if my friends were making fun of something sex related they were surely blowing it out of proportion. I still didn't know what they were talking about. But I'm was sure it wasn't that drastic. I keep looking down the list until my eyes reach the very bottom.

Oh shit... they weren't kidding.

At the very bottom of the list. Were two names in neat handwriting. Yosetsu Awase & Momo Yaoyorozu. I now understood what everyone was laughing about. And I hated it. Yeah, I like her. So fucking what? And no way in hell am I going to try any manevours to get close with her.

I pick up my bag and head to the room. I go to Vlad King to pick up my room key and head off. I go up the elevator and walk a few feet down the hall. I found myself looking at the down. I looked at the door for awhile. Theres a wave a nervousness that washes over me. I hesitantly put the card on the scanner and it turned green. I reluctantly step into the room and see a sight that I couldn't seem to fully get over. Momo Yaoyorozu.

She turned towards me and waved. "Oh, Yosetsu! I didn't know you were going to be my roommate." God her smile and voice was enough to send my soul straight to god. I have to have every strength in my body not to be awkward here.

"Yaoyorozu! H-hey!" Of course I fucking stutter. Of course. Fortunately, she returns with a soft smile.

"Oh, Awase... I should mention that's there only 1 bed in this room."


What the fuck? What kinda shit is this? How did I come across this situation? My brain switched off completely. Full 1993 Windows XP shutdown. While I'm having fucking malfunction. Yaoyorozu is close to me. Looking at me with worry. She keeps calling my name out to me and I eventually respond. She lets out a small giggle of which I didn't understand why.

From the looks of things, she has everything unpacked already. And in her pajamas. I go into the washroom to change into a white  shirt and grey shorts. I take my headband off and put it on a countertop. I walk outside into the main room. I took a glance at the alarm clock. 10:56. I figured it would be a good time to go to sleep. I lie on the floor and close my eyes. Yaoyorozu did not take kindly to this. She pouted while she picked me up and put me on the bed effortlessly. I quickly get off the bed and stand up. "Yaoyorozu, it's fine, I'll sleep on the floor."

She immediately threw her hands up in protest. "Awase no! That could lead to back pain and bad posture!" The look on her face had a hint of desperation, I couldn't figure out why though.

"Alright... Well the chair looks pretty enticing." I start to walk over to the chair before she steps in my way. "No again! That could lead to hip and knee contractures! Not to mention Muscle tightness!" She lightly pushes me towards the bed and motions me to sit. I nervously comply and sit on the cozy bed. I tuck myself in and lie there, resting my eyes and heading off to sleep. Or at least that's what I would've done if he didn't feel someone cling onto my side.

I shoot my eyes open to see Yaoyorozu snuggling to my side. Burying her head in the crook of my neck. She had her arms wrapped around me. A wave of warmth and love washed over me.

Not that I was complaining about the situation. Not by a mile.

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