Hard Work Pays Off (Part 1)

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(Morale of the story, Awase trains his ass off and becomes badass. I had a lot of fun with this. No cute moments between Awase and Yaoyorozu, that will come in part 2. But for those who like fight scenes, you'll surely enjoy this.)

For The first years that had entered UA years ago. They were in their final year. For the most part, things have relatively stayed the same. Villains with hollow motives to attack the students of UA. Students carrying on with their classes, and class 1-A getting stronger and stronger. They were known for having absolute powerhouses. People like Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugou have always been at the top of the ranks for awhile. But their were people such as Iida, Kaminari, Jirou and Yaoyorozu how were constantly getting stronger with their quirks and body's. Class 1-A was basically the glorified mascot class of U.A. The "Perfect class" perhaps. Life was smooth sailing for them. But what if I told you there's somebody that's been going under the radar the entire time.

That person being the headband hero of 1-B, Yosetsu Awase. At his first year at U.A, he felt as if he he was a measly a weak character attempting to compete with his peers. That pissed him off. In fact, it pissed him off so much that each summer and hours after school, there were only two things he would do, study and train like there was a C4 attached to his body if he didn't. His methods were gruesome, he would always push himself until he passed out of exhaustion or threw up multiple times. His quirk wasn't the flashiest. That being Weld. He can basically fuse objects (or people) together at an atomic level. At his first year at U.A, he could only really use his quirk in one way. However, he honed it so that it was flexible. His quick thinking and reflexes were arguably the best in his class. He was at the top of his class when it came to hand to hand combat. Only the likes of Tetsutetsu and Kendo could compete with him in that regard. He always keep the mentality about it. Quiet, reserved, and humble.

However, the was another reason Yosetsu wanted to have this big glow-up. Sure, it was necessary to grow stronger to boost his chances of becoming a much stronger hero. But he had his emerald eyes on something else. Or perhaps, somebody else. He had a major crush on Momo Yaoyorozu. Everything about her made her even more captivating. Awase viewed her as an Angel. Sent straight from heaven. At his first year at U.A, he viewed himself as worthless. He didn't stand a chance. But he thought that if he trained hard enough that maybe, just maybe, he would have a chance that she would notice him. He's still doesn't have the balls the go up to her and talk to her. If he did, he would be blood red and a stuttering mess. Even if she waved to him it would send him into a blushing fury.

He found himself sitting in a room combined with 1-A. He was sat in the back with his friends. while 1-A were upfront. Since he was behind the entire class, he was subtlety sneaking glances at Yaoyorozu. A smile keep appearing on his face every time he did the action. Kosei looked at him for a brief moment then he looked where his was looking at and put two and two together. He smirked at the headband boy. Awase's only reaction was to glance at him and brush it off. He looked up at a big screen to see what looked like teams for a 4v4 match. His team was himself, Tokage, Bondo, and Yanagi. And below the image of those 4 were Todoroki, Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, and Hagakure. It appears the teachers forgot to turn team balancing off.

He heard pretty much all of the 1-A cracking giggles or some even laughing.  He looked at them, a smirk plastered all along his face. He knew he was going to absolute obliterate them.



Tokage, Bondo, and Yanagi all sprinted out into the battlefield with no plan at all. Awase casually stepped out of the starting area. He threw his hands in his pockets and stood there. Whistling a tune he had heard on the radio. It took a mere 2 minutes before the voice of Vlad King was heard over the intercom.

"3 out of the 4 members from team Tokage are out. Leaving only Awase."

He stood there, no emotion on his face. He stayed like this until he chuckled a bit. He walked towards the center of the battlefield. He stopped for a second before turning to his right. Seeing a pair of floating gloves. He smirked "Jesus Christ, at least try to sneak up on me." He heard a small gasp. Soon after he rushed her. Sweeping what he though was her legs. Seeing the gloves on the floor and an audible grunt, he knew he had taken care of her.  He rushed over and after a brief moment of trying to locate her hands, he cuffed her. He then went back to the center of the battlefield. Where he would then wait again. This time saying something that he knew would provoke a certain Pomeranian.

"Well, which one of you weak motherfuckers are next?"

He walked around the grounds, until finding a small bridge with a couple of buildings next to it. It didn't take long for somebody to emerge from a building. He immediately recognized him. Katsuki Bakugou. It took him 0.7 seconds to rush him, explosions coming out of his gloves. He jumped in the air, putting his lining up a right hook to plant right on his head. Awase simply leaned back and at the last second. Not a scratch or sweat on his face. He turned his body around to look at him. Laughing a bit. "Seriously, Bitchugou, you think you can really do damage with a explosion like that? C'mon buddy, We all know you're lacking in some  area's but goddamn." He knew what he was doing. Purposely getting him riled up to make more and more rash decisions.


"Well, first of all, no way in bloody hell you could do that. Second, if the 0.0001% percent chance you do, you would most likely be charged for manslaughter. Therefore spending up to 5 plus years in prison. And I highly doubt you have a lawyer so that's an automatic L in court for you." he smirked at him once more, seeing his face blood red in anger.

He then rushed me again, this time with explosions about two times bigger. Awase did the same. This time quickly welding himself a metal rod to engage in combat. They went at it for awhile. consistently trading blows. It was even until Awase found himself on the side of the bridge. Almost falling off of it. Bakugou looked at him, proud of himself. "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW?" he yelled.


And then he jumped.

Bakugou stood there for a moment, anazlyling what Awase had just done. he stepped closer to the edge. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a metal dart hit the side of a building. He squinted to the direction that it hit. it didn't take long before he felt himself being cuffed. "WHAT THE FUCK? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" 

"It's called sound misdirection, ever heard of it? Anyways, when I jumped, I welded my hand to the bottom of the bridge. Then, I position myself so my feet were touching the bridge. I welded my feet to the bridge, walked across to the other side, came back up. Then proceeded to handcuff you. Anyways, good luck at anger management classes." he walked off to find Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.


Todoroki and I were watching Awase and Bakugou go at it, I almost couldn't keep up at how fast they were going. We were exhausted from the battle with the other 1-B student's. The amount of lipids that I could use for my quirk were running low so I had to be cautious. The more I watched Awase fight, the more I though about him.

The more I though about him, he saved me from that Nomu 3 years ago. I still have yet to thank him. I started to take in his features. Wavy black hair that was kept up by his headband. Emerald green eyes that she could look at for hours, a nice smile, cute laugh, He was also very humble. Not showing off. Although, over the years, he's seem to get a bit more confident and smooth. I wonder how hard he's been training...

I snap out of my thoughts when I see Awase jump off the bridge. I put my entire head out the window of the building I'm in. I can feel the tears coming through my eyes. No no no no. No way he would do something like that. I look closer at the scene. I see Awase emerging from the side of the bridge, completley untouched, He must've welded his feet to the bridge and walk along it. I swear I am going to give him a piece of my mind when we are done with this.

He goes up to Bakugou and handcuffs him. He then speaks a few words to him and leaves. To go and find us presumably. I tap Todoroki on the shoulder. "We should go, we can find a place to ambush him." he nods and walks out of the room we're in.

Part two out sometime in June.

Adonis El Dorino

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