Chapter 27: Birthday

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Today I can tell my friends to suck it because I'm finally eighteen. We're heading home in Sandusky for my birthday. The drive there was filled with anticipation.

Once we got into town I wanted to scream. We got there at five in the evening. Since I wanted a big party, it's going to be held at my dad's house.

Once we got there, we were welcomed with open arms from Lucy. "Go ahead and set your stuff upstairs." She says. We do as said before heading back downstairs.

I see my mom who I haven't seen in over a month. "I have a surprise for you out in the backyard." She tells me.

I rush out there and my mouth is agape. "Holy shit." I whisper before running and jumping onto my old best friend's back.

"Macy!" He says giving me a hug.

"Oh my god, Xavier. What are you, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I wouldn't miss my best friend's birthday for nothing. I missed you girl." He says.

"I have some people I need you to meet." I say. I wave the crew over and they do so. "You guys, this is my childhood best friend, Xavier. Xavier this is this is Jackie, Danielle, Damien, Stanley, and Bridget."

"Wow, this is a big group of friends." He says.

"We've been her friends since kindergarten." Danielle says.

"Lets have cake you guys." I say before jumping onto Xavier's back. I haven't seen him for so long, it's amazing he's finally here.

Once we eat cake, my mom calls for all of us to gather in one central area. Xavier has me on his back, Stanley has Danielle, Damien has Bridget, and Jackie has Katie. I ask for this picture to be printed because it's absolutely perfect.

"You kids are so adorable." Lucy says.

At about seven all the parents head home or head into the house. All eight of us set up a camp fire before playing a game of I Bet You.

"Okay, Jackie, I bet you Damien will come out of the closet during college." Bridget says.

"You're on." Jackie says shaking Bridget's hand.

"You guys are assholes." Damien says. "Alright, Xavier, I bet you and Macy will get married after college."

"I bet you not." Xavier says as we all laugh.

"Macy, I bet you, you will get pregnant before age twenty one." Danielle says.

"So far, you're losing that bet." I say.

"I bet Katie, that someone in this group has a crush on me." Stanley says.

"I hope not." Katie says.

We then started doing the random things we would usually do when we were younger. Everyone then went home to thwir families except for Xavier and I.

"You're going to loose that bet with Danielle." He says as we climb one of the really big trees in the backyard.

"You're going to loose that bet with Damien." I say.

"Uh huh,  sure." He says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask looking down at him.

"Well, you never know what'll happen between now and the future." He says before joining me at a sturdy branch in the middle of the tree. "Now, we need to do some catching up."

"Okay, I'll start." I say. "Well, I finally got with the Josiah guy. But then I found out our relationship was an absolute lie. I made the mistake of getting back with him a few months back but I broke up with him last month. My parents got a divorce when we were fifteen and that same year Derek died. My mom got with an asshole who tried to rape me and physically abused my mom, my sister and I. My dad is now engaged to Danielle and Damien's mom. Then I found out my friend Stacy is actually my twin sister. So, yeah. It's been a hectic four years." I say. "So, how about you?"

"Well, Bethany got married and had a baby boy named Gabe." He begins. "I dated this one insane girl and when I mean insane I mean I needed a contract just to get her away from me. Then I got a job at one of the Starbucks in Austin. Yeah, my past four years haven't been insane."

"Well, I'm glad I'm finally able to see you. You should visit us some time in Notre Dame." I explain.

"I guess I have to. You have to visit me in Austin then." he says.

The entire night was spent catching up and talking about our past. We then walked into the house and turned on Netflix. We chose American Horror Story to watch. The second scene of the first episode was really awkward to watch.

Once we started feeling tired I tossed him a blanket and pillow before heading up to my room. Once I close the door and turn on the light, I'm startled by my four siblings.

"What the heck! I thought you guys went to bed already." I say.

"Am I ever getting my sweater back?" Damien asks.

"You should know the answer to that by now." I explain.

"What's with you and Xavier?" Danielle asks.

"Nothing, I promise."

"Mhmm." all four of them say.

"Really? He's like a brother to me like Damien and Stanley have been." I explain. They all give me the look like, "Seriously, you think we're going to believe you?" "I promise!"

They all then leave my room like mice in the same room as a cat.

"Whatever." Stacy says.

"You might as well give me the hundred bucks now." Danielle says.

"I'm going to win the bet." Damien says.

"Xavier and Macy sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Katie starts.

"Say anything anything else and you're going to sleep outside." I say before closing the door.

I hop onto the bed before falling asleep. I don't even bother changing into pajamas at this point. I'll be getting up some time in the next six hours.

In the morning I do what I usually do when I wake up. Check my phone. I didn't check it for the entire night last night. Several messages were from my friends. Melinda, Lila, Aubrey, Felicity, Wes, Troy, Elizabeth, Lucas, Iris, everyone. It felt great having a bunch of friends.

It took me twenty minutes just to get to the last text. It was from Josiah. 'Good night, beautiful. I know we're not dating but I have to tell you that. Happy birthday, I hope you got the present I sent you and I hope you like it. I miss you a lot and hope we can talk things out a bit some time. I love you.'

Okay, I have to admit, I do miss him, but I'm not falling for him. He can't just walk back into my life and say, hey I love you and then we'll get back together. It doesn't work that way any time, any place, or any where. This is reality not some hopeless romance.

~~~~I tried completing it, I just love working on this story too much. Plus, there was no birthday scene. What's a book without a birthday scene. Lol, please, vote, share, and comment.

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