Chapter 19: The New Beginning

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"And the crown for prom king goes to, Josiah McCall." I kiss Josiah on the cheek before he walks up on stage. "And for prom queen, Britney Jacobs!" Britney and I, we don't get along well. Cause lets just say, even though our parents are friends, she can be a bitch at times. "Its time for the first dance." (A/N I don't ship it)

I expect Josiah to walk back saying he doesn't want to dance with her. Instead he goes ahead and dances with her. She then lays her head on his shoulder. Don't get jealous. Don't get jealous. Fuck that that's my boyfriend. Dancing with another girl like she's his entire world.

I walk out of the gym, feeling my guts wanting to spill out on the floor. I hold back the burning sensation as I kick my shoes off and run to the nearest ladies room.

After throwing up into the toilet, I hear someone walk in. "Macy, are you in here?" I hear Bridget's voice.

"Yeah," I grunt, "I'm in here."

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"No, it hurt seeing him dance with another girl. I tried holding back the jealousy but I couldn't. The jealousy took over and," I'm unable to finish my sentence.

"C'mon, I know you better than that. Macy, he's your's all your's. Don't let a simple dance get to you. Now, stand up. Clean your self up. And get your ass back to your man. You've been waiting for this day for years." Bridget says before I flush away my guts.  I look at myself in the mirror. I adjust my hair then walk back into the gym.

"Macy!" Angela yells running over to me. Worry filled in her voice. But the first thing I notice is her fingers intertwined with a junior named Tyler. The couple I knew would get together one day.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Its um it uh, Josiah." Josiah? What?

"What about him?" I ask.

"He uh, kissed um........ Britney." My heart feels like it broke into a million pieces. I feel my eyes water. No, this isn't happening. "Macy, its okay."

"No, its not. I love him. I love him so much and then he goes and kisses Britney. What the hell? I thought this was a night to remember. Not a night I regret." I say.

"Macy, lets dance, baby." Josiah says running up to me. My first move is to smack Josiah across the face.  "Ow, god, what was that for?"

"I found out, Josiah. I loved you. Why did you even kiss her?" I yell.

"Because this whole thing was a prank. A bet. The relationship was fake." He starts to say. "I made a bet a few months back with Britney after we got together, that I could fool you into thinking I actually had feelings for you. And to think you were so naïve that I actually-"

"Save it, Josiah. You can to fuck yourself in the ass." I say walking away. I grab Katie's wrist before walking outside.

"What's going on?" Katie asks me. Taking in the hurt look on my face.

"Its over, Katie. Its over." I cry sitting on the steps.

"I'll call mom." Katie says before walking into the building.

I bury my face into my knees that are held against my chest. Why? Why tonight? Why ever? I loved him and I thought he loved me. And this is how he repays my love for him. By just throwing it away like its a piece trash. For once I thought I would actually have a chance with him and now its gone it flew out the window.

I hear a honk in front of me. When I look up its my mom. "Ice cream?" She asks me. I nod before wiping my eyes. I sit in the passenger seat with my mom in the driver's seat.

Some time of silence passes and then a song came on the radio. It was Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. "Can you turn it off please?" I ask my mom.

"I thought you loved that song?"

"Its just, that was our song." I say.

My mom then takes my hand into hers and traces circles with her thumb into my palm. "You know, my date to prom ditched me as well. He didn't care about me at the time, until he discovered he actually did have feelings for me. You know who that guy was?" she pauses. "Your father. Then after college we got married and had fo- three kids all together."

"You were about to say four. Do I have a sibling I don't know about or something?" I ask.

"Yes, and, you guys are twins and are best friends. At least I think you are."


"Stacy. She's your twin sister. I told your dad I didn't want twins, so I gave up Stacy. And it wasn't until your eighth grade year I even knew who she was."

I knew Stacy looked like me but, being twins, that's news to me.

We pull up to the nearest Baskin Robbins and I curl up in the car. "What flavor do you want?" my mom asks.


Once my mom walks in tears pour down my cheeks. I thought I was in love with Josiah, I thought I was. Now, he's not. He's Britney's. Always has and always will be no matter what I try to do or what I try to make myself believe.

Why? Just why? The unreal sweetness, the blissless kisses, the fake hugs. It all hurts. I feel shattered. Unwanted. Lonely. A feeling I haven't felt in over a month. And here it is all over again. Its painful. Like billions of people are pulling on every muscle, every bone, every joint, in your body and ripping all of it into infinite pieces.

 Part of me wants to punch a wall or something and another part of me wants to just fade out of the world and no longer exist. That's it. I know it wasn't a long relationship, but, I held on through the many years I've liked him. From the moment I realized the feelings, to when I had another crush, to being in this relationship.

Those feelings never went away. They were always there and I could never get rid of them. I would never forget how he would always make me laugh or smile. Whenever I woud see him play with Katie or Derek when we were little, my heart would flutter. And every time he was sweet to me I fell in love with him. Over and over again.

And now I to forget those feelings. Every single one of them. I have to forget the butterflies he gave me every time I saw him or thought of him. I have to forget have fast my heart becomes whenever he talked to me. I have to forget how wild my mind becomes when he plays with little kids. I have to force my anxiety to stop whenever he becomes apart of my plans.

"Oh my gosh, sorry I took so long. The gal couldn't do addition without a calculator. Here you go sweetie." My mom says getting in the car handing me the ice cream then brushing my hair out of my face.

~~~~Well, things are interesting i guess. Whyd on't you guys like vote and share and comment because maybe then #Jacy will get back together. Cause yeah.

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