Chapter 10

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Felix and Dawson plopped onto his bed and let out a relaxed sigh.

"Sorry that I made it so awkward... but at least you sister is nice!" Felix said as he chuckled quietly.

"Yeah, it's fine. What do you want to do now?" Dawson asked.

"Um... if you're ok with it, I would like to know more about you?" Felix replied timidly.

"Yeah, sure. But only if I can ask you questions too." Dawson said, laying down.

"Ok, well... what's your favorite color?"

"Green, yours?" Dawson asked.

"Yellow!" Felix said happily.

"Such a bright color for such a dull kid..." Dawson mumbled to himself.


"Nothing. What is your mom like?" Dawson asked bluntly, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"... She... uh... is fine? J-just like any other mom." Felix said, stumbling through his sentence.


"W-well! What about your mom!" Felix growled.

"I already told you. She... died of heart disease." Dawson said, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Oh. Your dad?" Felix asked quietly.

"...He was forced to leave." Dawson growled, glaring at the wall.


"He... he threw... threw my baby br-brother down the stairs..." Dawson said, turning his head away from Felix's view.

"What!? Why- how... I didn't even know you had a brother. Is he ok?" Felix shouted.

"He.. he's ok now, it was a while ago..." Dawson's voice cracked.

"Oh... Dawson I'm so sorr- wait, are you cry-'' Felix tried to say as he looked over to Dawson.

"Don't fu... just don't look..." Dawson whispered, as he let his last word be engulfed by a sob.

Felix never thought he would see Dawson cry, he didn't know what to do. He had always been on the other side, the one that was crying. The only thing that made him feel better when he was sad was a hug, and that's what he did. Before Dawson could object, he lifted him into a sitting position and threw his arms around him. At first Dawson thrashed at Felix, but at the end he just let his head flop down onto Felix's shoulder.

"Can... can I ask why this brought on such a heavy emotion for you?" Felix hesitated.

"It was scary." Dawson sighed, "It was the middle of the night, and Wyatt started crying. Octavia normally took care of him, but this time dad took him."

"Then..?" Felix asked, even though he didn't want to know what happened next.

"All we heard was a thud and Wyatt screaming." Dawson shuddered at the memory, "I can't get it out of my mind, his b-blood on the stairs... he wasn't moving."

Dawson stopped talking for a second, then Felix felt his shoulder get damp again.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this..." Dawson chuckled sadly.

"No! Continue talking, it will make you feel better. I promise." Felix replied, slightly rubbing Dawson's back.

"Fine. We took him to the hospital, and they said... he has brain damage. I don't fully remember what the doctor said, but he fell on the side of his head where he gets those skills. He's almost one, can't even talk and he still can only crawl.."

"I am so sorry that this has happened to you." Felix comforted him.

"The worst part is... I had a dream that it would happen." Dawson replied back.

"That is terrible, I wish I knew what to do to make you feel better." Felix frowned.

"It's fine now. I'm done with the tears." Dawson said lifting his head up from Felix's shoulder, "Hey, I just realized something we have in common."


"Bad parents." Dawson smiled with a snicker.

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