Karma Sucks (Not edited)

119 2 0

Mission: Payback on a jerk

Target: Tyler Jackson

When: Meet tonight at 146 S. Tenant St. Kenewick, Wa. 99336 7:27 p.m.

Three lines on 50 strips of paper stuffed into fifty lockers of Tyler's biggest enemies and my closest friends. We were going to give him exactly what he deserved.

Nobody knew who the messages came from and nobody said anything about them. I saw corners of the paper slips here and there but no one opened thier mouths. Good. I would enjoy getting to revenge Maggie's embarrasment. After all, she is such an amazing person. Even if she wasn't, nobody should get cheated on. It's just so horrible. All afternoon I fantasized about hitting him with a car, and filling his pants with snakes but I decided that was a little far. After all, Christians are supposed to forgive. So I decided a simpler approach. After school I stuffed his locker, with the help of Chase, full of papers with two words typed in the center in twelve size font. Don't. Cheat. After that, Chase and I went to tennis practice. Bieng the gentleman he is, he waited for me to change and then grabbed my tennis raquet and water bottle and headed towards the courts while I rebraided my hair. Glad I got to be with the best boys player, I tried my hardest to be a challenge. Turns out, I am pretty good. Just wasn't trying hard enough since I always got stuck with people who didn't try. Later, we drove home, well to my house, and saw a least 10 cars already lined up by my house. They were all an hour early at least, but here they were. Waiting for me. A smile crept to my lips as I imagined the sheer power of introducing my plan. As I walked inside, I prepared my introduction. Everyone got out of thier cars and followed me through the door still staying quiet as I showed them to my living room. Just as they got settled, five more people entered. Then two more. Then seven. This went on till there was at least 73 people in my house. Way more than I sent papers to.

After explaining the subject and issue, I opened time for people to give ideas. Some of them were just as bad as my original stuffing-snakes-in-his-pants idea. Others were not even close to good enough. Then the perfect plans started to pop up. This weekend was the spring dance so along with the individual ideas we were all going to do, we all agreed that no one would dance with him. On top of this, we would bring car paint and paint the words don't cheat on his car. To kick things off tomorrow though, we would all snicker when he walked by. We all agreed nobody was allowed to talk to him. Then I advised a plan to inform Olivia about what he had done. I just hope she would understand and actually help us. After finalizing the plans, people began to filter out of my house until it was just Chase, Maggie and me left in the living room.

"So...we are really going to go through with this aren't we?" asked Maggie.

I took one look at her and said passionatley "Nobody, and I mean nobody, messes with my best friend. Remember the day in Kindergarden when I attacked Ben because he kept following you around trying to kiss you? Or that time two weeks later when I punched Bobby because he kept telling you that you were a baby? I don't take kindly to people who insult my friends."

Chase gawked at me and then asked Maggie, "She did that?"

"Yeah, she did" Maggie said. "That was the reason why I helped you with your bullies. She helped me and encouraged me to stand up for myself. So when I saw you getting bullied, I wanted to do the same for you."

"Wow, my girlfriend is boss!"

I smiled as I turned to hug Maggie. "It's going to be okay. Wer'e not going to hurt him, were just trying to teach him that it's not okay to mess with people."

"Okay Z, I just don't want anyone to get hurt. He's not worth it."

Smiling, I nodded my agreement and sat down on the couch.

"so, who wants to watch a movie?"

Chase shrugged and plopped down next to me while Maggie thought about it. Eventually, she apologized saying she would rather go home and catch up on some sleep. After cheking to see if she wanted a ride, I walked her to the door and hugged her goodbye. Upon returning back to the living room once again, I found Chase sprawled out on the couch with the remote scrolling through shows to watch. We decided to watch Crminal Minds. After putting on the movie, I crawled by him and laid my head against him while he wrapped his arm around me and thats how my mother found us two hours later.

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