The Awkward Silence (Not edited)

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Now I know what it feels like to be deaf. I look around panicking as my heart practically flies right out of my chest. Three words. Three words pounded against my brain as my blood stopped flowing.

Oh. My. Goodness.


What do I say? What do I do? How am I supposed to react? What's Dakota doing here? Why is my brother here? Wait. Are those my parents by him? Why are they here? Why is the ceiling turning darker? Why did the li---

I am in a room. A white room. There is a window to my left and I can see cars way down there parked and ready to be driven. But they don't move, they don't move because they're stuck there waiting. I look up to see a TV in the corner playing my favorite movie. My parent are there. Mom is crying. Dad is holding her. She turns to look at me as tears are free falling down the incline of her cheekbones. I look at by body in a thin blue gown and notice that sheets are tucked under my arms. The bed is elevated so I can see out the window. My ears click with the sudden beeping noise and my head flicks to a box with a red line.

"Mr. and Mrs. Linden. I'm sorry, but there was nothing we could do. The school called too late and she was too far gone before the ambulance got here."

"But she can't be-............

"Zoe? Zooooey... Earth to Zoe..."


"Zoe! Your awake! Quick! How many fingers am I holding up? Who was the first president of the United States? Who am I?"

"Chase...I think I'm fine. What happened?"

"Wellllll... I asked you to the spring dance and then you started to look really sick and started to spin and then you fell to the growing and blacked out."

Huh. wow. I looked around my room as I realized that I was at my house lying in my bed. Phew. Never blacked out before though. I wonder if I made any weird noises...i wonder if I drooled...I wonder if-



"Your head. Does it feel fine?"

"Oh! Yeah! It feels great!

"Oh good! Hey Z? How 'bout an answer since your fine and all?"

Answer. Answer. Answer to what? Oh!!!! Duh. Spring Dance! *mentalfacepalm*


"Ow Z!!! What was that for?"

"That was for embarrassing me in front of the whole freaking school not to mention my family!!! Now I will never live that down!!!"

"Oh. About that... I was going to tell you about your family being at the assembly but you didn't show up on time to school and your phone was off when I tried to call you."

"Yeah yeah. But yes anyways."


"Yes I will go to the spring dance with you."

Chase did a fist pump in the air while I rolled my eyes. Looking at me, he grinned and stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Well, now that you answered my question and put to rest my biggest fear, I am going to go tell your mom that you woke up. I told her that I would get her as soon as you started to wake so she could mother you."

"Oh. okay. See you later?"

"Yeah. Probably tomorrow at school though."

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