The Aftershock (Not edited)

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Days went by in a blur. One moment all I could think about was Chase and how I wanted to see him again and the next moment I was scared out of my mind for what might come later in our relationship. I thought about canceling and bailing out on the dance and instead just stay home pretending to be sick, but that would be mean to Chase who probably already has the tickets. Of course the dance is this weekend so he had about four days by now to get them. I was just glad that my friends didn't make a big deal out of the assembly and my short black out moment. I wonder if Chase's feelings were hurt when I blacked out... maybe he felt bad for not being able to get a hold of me. Of course that was completely my fault too considering that I was the one who slept in and had unplugged my alarm clock the night before. Now if only I could wake up easily like most people and start my day off by not running everywhere trying to scramble around and throw clothes onto my body.

Slowly, I drag myself out of bed and practically crawl across the floor. Taking a glance at my alarm clock, I head into the bathroom with a towel. I almost started my shower with my clothes still on but caught myself before I derstoyed the most precious thing ever. My phone. After thanking God for a couple seconds, I begin to fumble with my clothes trying to pry them off my sleep deprived body. I step into the warm water with my mind screaming at me to go back to bed and, after a good scrub and lots of bubbles, I walk out feeling fresh and brand new ready to start off the day with my head held high and my armpits shaved.

Checking my phone for any messages, I see that Chase had texted me. It read, "hey gorgious, how is your morning???" I smiled as I realised that I was lucky for getting one of the rare sweet guys, and then I remember the bet. Ugh. Why did I have to make such an awful bet. Of course he is just trying to get into my head. Heading out to my car I mentally slap myself for actually thinking he could care about me. I mean come on! He's totally just trying to win his stupid bet. I un-lock, climb into, and start my car.

Immediatly after starting the car, I am hit by this freezing blast of icicle air. Shivering I reach to turn down the AC when I see someone walking towards our street. He had on a black jacket with a hood pulled up and black pants. Looking down I was surprised to see bright purple converse. Laughing to myself I head off to school.


*Clash* *Bang* *Smash*

The oh so lovely sound of lockers being slammed against the walls. I look around and notice many different faces. They all look unresponsive and dead. I walk past the bathroom to see girls applying the forgotten make up and guys fixing thier precious hair. I know that I couldn't take enough time to fix myself so I decide to head to class instead.

As I was walking past the office, I hear kids arguing with staff and sickies couphing up a storm. I try to walk by without being noticed and end up making it a safe distance away from all of them. I practically run down the hall to get to class when I look outside. Even though I normally like to see outside and take in the beauty of it all, I don't normally appreciate the world at seven in the morning so I surprised myself when I decided to look out the window.

After a second of glancing I notice what caught my attention. It was a couple walking towards the school. I smile at the thought of them looking cute together when a brick hits me in the head. Okay, so not a physical brick to the head but a metaphorical brick that sent my mind reeling backwards. I looked closer at the couple and realised thay looked familiar but were still too far away to see who exactly it was.

Entranced, I strain my eyes to make out some sort of idea what couple that was when I realised that I knew both of them. The girl was Maggie, my best friend, and the guy was Chase. Horrified, I yelped and caught the attention of everyone in the hall. I turned and muttered a "sorry, thought I saw a spider" and brisquely walked away as the guys shook their heads and the girls grimaced and made pity faces. Deciding I needed some air, I ran out of the closest door and ran straight into them. Maggie and Chase. Noting his arm around her shoulder, I did the most courageous thing I could. I turned and ran away with tears streaming out of my eyes and down my face. Not knowing where to go, I decided to go somewhere I have always dreamed of going on my own.

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