The Pep Assembly (Not edited)

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Hey guys, I am so glad that you have read this far! I really want to make this a hillarious story and please vote if you like it! I really enjoy getting to see new people liking my writing!!! Enjoy! -Duckies<3


Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

I jerk out of bed to find the source of the highly irritating buzzing. Searching while half asleep, I knock over my water bottle and my phone from my bedside table. My Phone!! I look for it on the ground and find the little black pocket sized object that was my phone and turned the screen on.

Bzz. Bzz. 1 new message.

Ugh. I click open the message to see it was from Maggie.

Z where r u? school is about 2 start come on

School? I look at the calendar on my phone. It seems like saturday and the roller skating had just ended. I wipe my face and look at my clock.

7:15 A.M.

Shooooot!!!! I jerk out of my bed and run to the bathroom. Tugging my hair up into a ponytail, I apply some mascara and blush. Then I run back to my room and throw on jeans and a slim fitting light pink tank top. I slip on my flip flops and rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Grabbing a granola bar, I head to my car with my backpack and hop in. The drive there is less than 5 min. so with getting ready on the go I wasn't actually late to class but I almost was. Slipping in my desk as the final bell rang, I relaxed knowing I had made it. I go over a mental checklist and decide that I have everything. Looking around I realise that my class mates are not there. Hmm. Where are they? The answer hit me in the head. Hard. In the gym...shoot. We were having that pep assembly in the gym today and I totally forgot. I walk with my head down and as I get closer I can hear the cheering. But wait? What were they cheering?

"Zoe! Zoe! Zoe!"

I start to panick as I realize that I am the only Zoe in the school and they are cheering my name. Oh boy. I turn the corner and suddenly I was slammed by a wall of pure sound. The chanting slowly grew to screaming as people began to see I was there. I searched the whole gym looking for my friends but I could not find them since everyone was standing up. If I had a miror right now, I would look like a tomato...quite literally. Red from the embarrasment and a little green from the nervousness of having to walk in by myself while everyone was staring. I scan the room for a way to skirt aroung the mob heading into the middle but realise it was no use. As soon as I begin to walk towards the middle of the gym, people began to form tunnels into the middle of the quart. Slowly, I do a 360* rotation when I realize someone is just staring at me from the middle. I turn back around to see Chase dressed in a tux holding red roses with a giant grin on his face. He moves to the side and I see that in the middle of the floor there was a stool and microphone. He walked up to the microphone and picked it up and tested it. After clearing his throat signaling for everyone to settle down, he turned to look at me. He began to talk as I thought I was going to die.


You are the one and only,

person who's time I want to spend.

Without you I would be lonely,

so Im glad that you're my girlfriend.

You are beautiful and funny,

and you see beauty in everything.

Plus you make my day sunny,

whenever you choose to sing.

I only wanted you to know

that I really truly like you.

And that you make my heart grow,

with every little thing you do.

So, Zoe Linden, you help me see,

that with you I can have a second chance.

So I really want you to go with me,

to this year's spring dance."

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